
    Disputes over the producer's discrimination against women

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     Disputes over the producer's discrimination against women

    The meat pigeon cooperation game Cup Full, developed by Vambear Games, recently encountered a public praise crisis because an interview video of its producer caused widespread controversy. In this video, the producer said that the difficulty of the game was too high to take care of female players, which was accused by many players of discriminating against women.

    With the intensification of the controversy, The Cup is Full Steam The number of comments on the website has risen rapidly. As of May 22, it has exceeded half of the total number of comments, and most of the comments are negative. The developer issued a letter of apology for this incident and thanked the players for their support and criticism.

    We have learned that Vambear Games is an independent game development team that did make mistakes in this event without taking into account everyone's feelings. They promised to listen more carefully to the opinions and suggestions of players and reflect on their mistakes.

    However, there is still much to look forward to in "The Cup is Full", waiting for players to explore. For example, the test content optimization in Chapter 5. For developers, this is a valuable lesson, and also the direction of their continuous efforts to improve.

    We hope that Vambear Games can learn from this event and show a better side in future works. At the same time, we also encourage players to actively express their opinions and feelings to help developers better understand and meet user needs.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Disputes over the producer's discrimination against women true report eight hundred and seventy-seven The meat pigeon cooperation game Cup Full, developed by Vambear Games, recently encountered a public praise crisis because an interview video of its producer caused widespread controversy. In this video, the producer said that the difficulty of the game was too high to take care of female players, which was accused by many players of discriminating against women. With the intensification of the controversy, the number of comments on Steam by The Cup is Full
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