
    Black Myth Wukong is coming! Tencent WeGame 2024 Game Night officially held at 8:00 tonight

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Black Myth Wukong is coming! Tencent WeGame 2024 Game Night officially held at 8:00 tonight

    The game night of Tencent WeGame 2024 will officially start at 8:00 this evening. The official microblog said, "I have waited for a long time. At 8:00 this evening, a good show will appear." The long-awaited Black Myth Wukong is expected to make its debut in the press conference. The game has been approved in China and has received feedback from netizens QQ Booking push sent by mobile games.

    According to the previous trailer, such works as Horizon: Dawn of Zero and Durian: Rise of Finnis may also release new national service information. Players can go to "Douyin, Station B, Fast Hands, Tiger Teeth Betta , video number, Taobao game, Little Red Book, tap, QQ live broadcast ".

    All players must pay attention to the game night of WeGame.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Black Myth Wukong is coming! Tencent WeGame 2024 Game Night officially held at 8:00 tonight true report four hundred and twenty-eight The game night of Tencent WeGame 2024 will officially start at 8:00 this evening. The official microblog said, "I have waited for a long time. At 8:00 this evening, a good show will appear." The long-awaited "Black Myth" Wukong is expected to make its debut at the press conference. The game has been approved in China, and some netizens have reported that they have received an appointment push sent by QQ mobile games. According to the previous trailer, Horizon: Dawn of Zero and Ferry God
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