
    Star Blade PC version preload starts today, with a capacity of 30G!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

    The action adventure game Star Blade, jointly developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment and Shift Up, has opened its preview today download This game needs about 30.448 GB of space and will be officially sold on the 26th of this month.

     Star Blade PC version preload starts today, with a capacity of 30G!

    In addition, Star Blade also released a promotional song MV, sung by Korean famous female singer BIBI. This song is full of dynamic melody and soulful lyrics, which will bring endless fun to players.

    In the game, the player will play a role called Eve, who is a soldier from the outer space colony. Eve's mission is to return to the earth where monsters have ravaged and abandoned, defeat evil Kiba, and restore the dominance of mankind. However, in this process, Eve will not only gradually eliminate these monsters, but also discover some secrets about the past history.

    However, when Eve gets closer to the truth, she finds that the problems she faces are far more complicated than she imagined. Because some things are not as simple as they seem on the surface, and the things seen by the eyes are not necessarily true

    Star blade
    Stellar Blade
    2024-04-26 Release role play/role play
    PS5 Support official Chinese
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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Star Blade PC version preload starts today, with a capacity of 30G! true report eight hundred and fifty-five The action adventure game Star Blade, jointly developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment and Shift Up, has opened its pre download today. This game needs about 30.448 GB of space and will be officially sold on the 26th of this month. In addition, Star Blade also released a promotional song MV, sung by Korean famous female singer BIBI. This song is full of dynamic melody and soulful lyrics
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