
    IGN France's evaluation of Star Blade caused controversy. Good game quality is good

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     IGN France's evaluation of Star Blade caused controversy. Good game quality is good

    Recently, IGN France released an evaluation article on Star Blade. Some of these descriptions have caused controversy among players, including the producer's failure to contact women and the excessive sexualization of game character design.

    These disputes triggered extensive discussions and debates among players. However, on the Internet, there has emerged a statement refuting this controversy: "I do not support or oppose the traditional beautiful role. More often, the role I play is what I aspire to be, the strong I desire, the stories and writing I like, and I attach great importance to the overall packaging." "But now is the time to stop putting pressure on us and let them feel that there is a problem with any of the options, or that they 'haven't met/contacted real people'."

    However, it is not easy to judge whether this statement is correct. Perhaps we should consider this issue from a broader perspective, rather than just evaluating whether a person is normal through a game.

    Nevertheless, the Star Blade game is still highly anticipated. It will lead players into a world full of unknown and experience an unusual adventure. No matter what players' views on the role design in the game, we should keep an open attitude, respect others, and look at problems with rational thinking.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: IGN France's evaluation of Star Blade caused controversy. Good game quality is good true report eight hundred and six Recently, IGN France released an evaluation article on Star Blade. Some of these descriptions have caused controversy among players, including the producer's failure to contact women and the excessive sexualization of game character design. These disputes triggered extensive discussions and debates among players. However, there is a statement on the Internet refuting this controversy: "I do not support or oppose traditional beautiful roles..."
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