
    Apple devices will welcome Hideo Kojima's new work "Dead Stranded Director Edition"

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     Apple devices will welcome Hideo Kojima's new work "Dead Stranded Director Edition"

    The groundbreaking adventure game DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR "S CUT, directed by Hideo Kojima and starring Norman Ridus, will be launched on Apple devices on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 iPhone 15 Pro models and all iPads and Macs equipped with M-series chips.

    From now on, you can enjoy a special discount of up to 50% when you pre order games in the App Store. Players can experience Mr. Kojima's pioneering open world adventure through the superior graphics processing capability of Apple chips. The death stranded director clip is common on Apple devices, so users can play games on iPhones, iPads and Macs with only one purchase.

    The famous actor Norman Redoux plays Sam "Porter" Bridges, and an epic cast of Hollywood stars, including Mads Mikkelsen, L é a Seydoux, Margaret Qualley and Lindsay Wagner, assists in the film, It will bring you a journey of apocalyptic narration.

    This new version is rich in content: the game has added a new location of "Ruin Factory", and can experience new expansion tasks. At the same time, players can also see more abundant scene design and detail optimization. In addition, the "Director of Stranded Death" also added some practical tools, such as cargo catapults, jumping ramps and stabilizers, to help players better complete their delivery tasks.

    Players who like adventure games should not miss this opportunity! Come and pre order! This game full of creativity and wonderful stories will bring players a new experience!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Apple devices will welcome Hideo Kojima's new work "Dead Stranded Director Edition" true report one thousand three hundred and seventy-seven The groundbreaking adventure game DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR "S CUT, directed by Hideo Kojima and starring Norman Ridus, will be launched on Apple devices on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. The game can run on iPhone 15 Pro models equipped with A17 Pro chips and all iPads and Macs equipped with M series chips. From now on, it will be launched on Apple devices
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