
    Which is the most popular game in 2023?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Which is the most popular game in 2023?

    according to Steam According to the latest statistics, the most popular game rankings in 2023 have been released. This list is based on the income of players in the game. The time range is from January 1 to December 15.

    The following rankings are published according to the first letter:

    1. Apex Hero

    2. Gate of Bode 3

    3. Call of Duty

    4.《 Counter Strike 2》

    5. Cyberpunk 2077

    6. Destiny 2

    7.《 Dota2

    8. The Legacy of Hogwarts

    9. The Lost Ark

    10. Survival of the Jedi

    11 . Son of the Forest 12 starry sky

    This list shows that players have different preferences for games of different types and themes. Among them, Apex Hero, Bode's Gate 3 and Destiny 2 are among the best known works, while some new works such as Cyberpunk 2077 also achieved good results.

    At the same time, e-sports games have occupied a place in this ranking list. "Survival of Jedi" and "Son of the Forest" are very popular works of players. It can be seen that in the future e-sports market, such games will have more opportunities.

    In general, the Top 12 list of the best selling games announced by Steam reflects the popularity of various types of games and the preferences of players in the current market. For players who like to try new things or pursue challenges, most of the works listed on this list can provide them with a new experience.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Which is the most popular game in 2023? true report eight hundred and seventy-six According to the latest statistics of Steam, the most popular game rankings in 2023 have been released. This list is based on the income of players in the game. The time range is from January 1 to December 15. The following rankings are released according to the first letter: 1. Apex Hero 2. Bode Gate 3. Call of Duty 4. Counter terrorism Elite 2. Cyberpunk 2077 6. Destiny
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