
    Action fast-paced game "Blade of the Wind" Steam online supports Chinese

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Action fast-paced game "Blade of the Wind" Steam online supports Chinese

    Today (December 19), Blade of the Wind Steam The page is officially launched. The game supports simplified and traditional Chinese, which was previously represented by Tencent and has been suspended in May this year.

    Blade of the Wind is a dynamic multiplayer online game that integrates fast-paced combat, stunning visual effects and the expanding universe. Players can choose different hero characters and customize their own characters to stand out in this world full of action and adventure.

    For more information, please pay attention to the "Blade of the Wind" section.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Action fast-paced game "Blade of the Wind" Steam online supports Chinese true report three hundred and twenty Today (December 19), the Steam page of Blade of the Wind was officially launched. The game supports simplified and traditional Chinese, which was previously represented by Tencent and has been suspended in May this year. Blade of the Wind is a dynamic multiplayer online game that integrates fast-paced combat, stunning visual effects and the expanding universe. Players can choose different hero roles and customize their own roles
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