
    Steam, add one! Cyberpunk 2077 pushes free updates to the ultimate collection

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Steam, add one! Cyberpunk 2077 pushes free updates to the ultimate collection

    Recently, CDPR, a well-known game developer, announced that the free update version 2.1 of Cyberpunk 2077 will also launch Cyberpunk 2077: The Ultimate Collection. This update will log in to Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation5 and PC platforms, and bring a new experience to players.

    According to the official disclosure, more information will be released in the live broadcast of Twitch REDstreams at 23:00 on December 1, and CDPR will also release the summary of relevant live broadcast content after the broadcast. For this, the expectation is very high.

    It is worth mentioning that the free version update 2.1 of Cyberpunk 2077 and the expansion film Shadows of the Past will be the same as that of Cyberpunk 2077: Final Synchronous push Out. This news makes players have more expectations for the updated game.

    Please follow our report for more details!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Steam, add one! Cyberpunk 2077 pushes free updates to the ultimate collection true report five hundred and one Recently, CDPR, a well-known game developer, announced that the free update version 2.1 of Cyberpunk 2077 will also launch Cyberpunk 2077: The Ultimate Collection. This update will log in to Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation5 and PC platforms, and bring a new experience to players. According to the official disclosure, more information will be released in the live broadcast of Twitch REDstreams at 23:00 on December 1, while C
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