
    Dark God of Destruction: Immortality, the public beta of Guofu Liangliang No. 23 was postponed

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Dega   |   Editor in charge: Lang Menghua

    The national service of Diablo: Immortal was originally scheduled to go online on June 23, but for some reasons, the official announcement of postponing the launch of Diablo: Immortal was released on June 19, which made the public test of the national service cool.    

    The following is the official original

    Dear adventurers

    We are sorry to inform you that the launch of Diablo: Immortal, originally scheduled for June 23, will be postponed.

    The development team is making a number of optimization adjustments to the game: a wider range of model device support, the highest image quality on more models, a large number of experience, network and performance optimization, etc. We believe that the game experience in the officially launched version will become more smooth and bring better game content to everyone.

    In order to thank all adventurers for their patience, we have specially prepared a special thank you package containing legendary equipment and rich props. After Diablo: Immortal is officially launched, all adventurers can receive the above rewards through the in-game mailbox after registering their roles in the game. In addition, we will add more welfare activities and generous rewards in the game.

    Thank you for your support and understanding. We are going all out and looking forward to meeting you in the shelter as soon as possible!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Dark God of Destruction: Immortality, the public beta of Guofu Liangliang No. 23 was postponed true report seven hundred and forty-five The national service of Diablo: Immortal was originally scheduled to go online on June 23, but for some reasons, the official announcement of postponing the launch of Diablo: Immortal was released on June 19, which made the public test of the national service cool. The following is the official original dear adventurers: We are sorry to inform you that the launch of Diablo: Immortal, originally scheduled for June 23, will be postponed. On
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