
    League of Heroes Mobile Tour: To be a mobile e-sports project

    [Compiled online by Zhongguancun] Author: Editor 5

    On July 22《 League of Heroes Mobile games: Leo Faria, the person in charge of e-sports, recently shared their vision and planning for e-sports. When talking about the reasons for doing the league of heroes online games, Leo Faria said that in the past ten years, they have successfully built an online game ecosystem for the league of heroes online games. One of the key roles of E-sports in games is to make people want to play games.

    It is understood that Leo Faria said that they would like to make the League of Heroes Mobile Games the first real global mobile e-sports project, spread all over the world. They will achieve this by investing heavily in Western regions such as the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. It will also host global events in unexpected places around the world.

     Exposed "League of Heroes Mobile Tour": to be a mobile e-sports project
    Exposed "League of Heroes Mobile Tour": to be a mobile e-sports project

    The initial focus of League of Heroes Mobile Tour will be professional competition. They will eventually devote more energy to grassroots competitions, but first of all, ensure that the players have the highest competitive level of competition to play.

    In addition, League of Heroes Mobile is also trying to improve the experience of watching e-sports on mobile phones. At present, although more than 40% of the audience watch E-sports events on small screens, there is still room for optimization of this experience. "If mobile e-sports wants to really change the e-sports industry, we must ensure that the viewing experience evolves with it."

    Disclaimer: The content marked with reprinted/compiled words is not original and reprinted for the purpose of transmitting more information, which does not mean that our website agrees with its views and is responsible for its authenticity. true report nine hundred and fifty-one On July 22, it was reported that Leo Faria, the head of the league of heroes mobile games e-sports event, recently shared their vision and planning for e-sports. When talking about the reasons for doing the league of heroes online games, Leo Faria said that in the past ten years, they have successfully built an online game ecosystem for the league of heroes online games. One of the key roles of E-sports in games is to let people play games
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