
    Tencent and Ubisoft have successfully married: Xiti is the exclusive agent of the national service for "Whole Territory Blockade 2"!

    [Compiled online by Zhongguancun] Author: Editor 5

    On July 5, it was reported that Tencent officially announced today that it had reached a strategic cooperation with Ubisoft, and had obtained the exclusive agency right for the national service of Ubisoft's well-known product, "Nationwide Blockade 2".

    Officially, Tencent, as the exclusive agent of the national service for Blockade 2, will provide strong local support and services for Chinese players, and create a green and healthy game atmosphere for Chinese players in terms of community, live broadcast, etc. At the same time, both sides will strive to create a more exploratory open world and a more exciting gunfight game experience by constantly optimizing the content.

     Announce the successful marriage between Tencent and Ubisoft: Xiti is the exclusive agent of the national service for "Whole Border Blockage 2"!
    Announce the successful marriage between Tencent and Ubisoft: Xiti is the exclusive agent of the national service for "Whole Border Blockage 2"!

    Global Blockade 2, jointly developed by Ubisoft Massive Entertainment and seven Ubisoft studios worldwide, is another evolution of online shooting RPG games in the open world.

    It is reported that at the 2018 E3 Exhibition, Ubisoft officially announced the new chapter of its highly acclaimed game series "Global Blockade" - "Global Blockade 2".

    Disclaimer: The content marked with reprinted/compiled words is not original and reprinted for the purpose of transmitting more information, which does not mean that our website agrees with its views and is responsible for its authenticity. true report seven hundred and eighteen On July 5, it was reported that Tencent officially announced today that it had reached a strategic cooperation with Ubisoft, and had obtained the exclusive agency right for the national service of Ubisoft's well-known product, "Nationwide Blockade 2". Officially, Tencent, as the exclusive agent of the national service for Blockade 2, will provide strong local support and services for Chinese players, and will also create green and healthy games for Chinese players in terms of community, live broadcast, etc
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