How to Get the Heart of the Silent Island of the Ark of Destiny How to Get the Heart of the Silent Island of the Ark of Destiny

2023-09-12 10:12:00 Source: Mercury Mobile

(Data map)

How to get the Heart of Silent Island in the Ark of Destiny? The location of Silent Island in the Ark of Destiny is on the right side of Lutland. The task of obtaining the Heart of Island on the island is relatively simple. You can collect the Mococo on the island while obtaining the Heart of Island. There are only two Mococo on the island. Next, let Jiuyou Xiaobian bring you the method of obtaining the Heart of Silent Island in the Ark of Destiny.

[Collection of Heart of the Island]

Fate Ark Silent Island Heart

1. After entering the island, find the scattered boxes around the entrance and check them to receive the task.

2. After completing the task according to the guide, find the legendary blacksmith on the right side of the map to take the second task and complete it according to the guide.

3. Continue to receive the task. This task is called Powerful Stone. You need to go to other places to collect fragments.

4. One is a copy of the Silent Giant Forest that enters Totok's body. After entering the copy, remove the needed monsters.

5. The other is the copy of Moray Relics in Saland Hill. It can be completed by passing the pass and killing the boss.

6. After completing the next task, revenge is easy to get. After completing according to the instructions, it is the heart of Silence Island that gets rewards.


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