"Tears of the Legend Kingdom of Zelda" How to synthesize the rock breaking sword - exclusive at present

2023-05-18 20:05:40 Source: CD games

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In the Tears of the Legend Kingdom of Zelda, if you want to improve the combat effectiveness of the characters, you must know how to synthesize the broken rock sword in the Tears of the Legend Kingdom of Zelda. Only by solving this problem can your character become stronger and easier to fight with the enemy. If you want to know the solution to this problem, let's take a look at the strategies of Jiuyou Xiaobian.

"Tears of the Legend Kingdom of Zelda" Synthetic method of rock breaking sword

Use the stone chopping sword and 5 flints and diamonds to make a rock chopping sword

The first is to go to the Flaming Mountain. This time is set to noon.

You can get the Rock Breaking Giant Sword on the right side of the village head's house, and then give it to Boluohang to start making it.

After making, you can quickly get the Rock Crushing Sword, which can play an important role in hitting stone monsters.

The above is all the content about how to synthesize the Rock Breaking Sword in the Tears of the Legend Kingdom of Zelda. As long as you read this introduction carefully, you can solve your problem. If you still can't solve your problem in the end, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss it.


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