You're alive, but I'm dead

2012-05-07 00:00:00 Divine comment

17173 News Introduction

The dusty land and the air are full of damned dust. The formerly clean city now looks like a mess. There are grumpy vagabonds or hooligans everywhere, who want to cut you every minute

The dusty land and the air are full of damned dust. The formerly clean city now looks like a mess. There are grumpy vagabonds or hooligans everywhere. They want to cut you every minute. Even the old woman is not easy to bully. One shot will make you jump into the street. It's such a bad situation, We will travel through the entire United States destroyed by the earthquake, and do what every American hero in the disaster should do: find his family.

I Am Alive is a game with strange positioning recently launched by UBI. It should be said that the whole game has been reported for a long time, but I didn't expect that when it was officially launched, it was indeed a 360 download version. The 1200 points were much less, but more, in fact, it was OK. The key is to see if you think the money is worth it. But interesting things have come. On this point, people's opinions are quite different. Some people think it is very good and worth buying, but some people still think it is a super lousy work. See it is not worth playing. Some media gave 8.5 points, and some media gave 4 points. For a while, everyone argued endlessly. Such a debate is basically nothing in the current game industry.

RT key killer. Yes, I am called I Am Alive. We don't have many bullets. The world has become a ghost. It is normal to have no bullets. So most of the time we go shopping with people with a knife. But in most cases, the direct result of bad action judgment is that we need to hit the RT key desperately to stab each other. Of course, RT key is not only useful here, but also indispensable for action and climbing.

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