Measures for the Administration of Criminals Who Execute Criminal Penalties in Detention Centers

Source: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

Issued on: July 13, 2017

Measures for the Administration of Criminals Who Execute Criminal Penalties in Detention Centers

Item record

Chapter I General

Chapter II Execution of penalty

Section I Custody

Section 2 Handling of Complaints, Charges and Accusations of Criminals

Section 3 Temporary execution outside prison

Section 4 Application for commutation of sentence or parole

Section V Release

Chapter III Administration

Section 1 Separate custody

Section II Meeting, Communication and Temporary Exit

Section 3 Life and Hygiene

Section IV Assessment, Rewards and Punishments

Chapter IV Educational reform

Chapter V supplementary articles

Chapter I Total be

Article 1 In order to standardize the management of detention houses for criminals who execute criminal punishments in detention houses and do a good job in the reform of criminals, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Prison Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Detention Houses and other relevant laws and regulations, and in combination with the reality of the execution of criminal punishments in detention houses.

Article 2 If an adult or juvenile criminal sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment has a remaining term of not more than three months before he is handed over for execution, the detention house shall execute his sentence on his behalf.

Adult and juvenile criminals sentenced to criminal detention shall be executed by detention centers.

Article 3 A detention house shall set up special prison areas or cells to supervise criminals. The prison area and the prison room shall be located within the guard wall of the detention house.

Article 4 When a detention house administers criminals, it shall adhere to the principle of combining punishment with reform, and combining education with labor, so as to transform criminals into law-abiding citizens.

Article 5 A prisoner's personality shall not be insulted, his personal safety and lawful property shall not be violated, and he shall have the right to defend, appeal, accuse and report, as well as other rights that have not been deprived or restricted according to law.

Criminals should abide by laws, regulations and regulations governing detention centers, obey management, receive education and participate in labor in accordance with regulations.

Article 6 A detention house shall safeguard the lawful rights and interests of criminals and provide necessary conditions for criminals to exercise their rights.

Article 7 The detention center shall strictly examine and approve the application for commutation or parole of a prisoner, or the application for temporary execution outside prison of a prisoner, where there may be factors that may affect fair law enforcement by using power and money.

Article 8 The activities of the detention center in executing criminal punishments against criminals shall be subject to the legal supervision of the People's Procuratorate according to law.

Chapter II Execution of penalty

Section I Custody

Article 9 On the day when the detention house receives the copy of the indictment of the People's Procuratorate served by the People's Court and the judgment, written order, notice of execution, and registration form of closure of the case delivered to the People's Court for execution, it shall go through the formalities for taking the prisoner into custody, fill in the registration form of taking the prisoner into custody, specify the basic information of the prisoner, the date of taking the prisoner into custody, etc., and transfer the prisoner to the prison area or cell after the signature of the police.

Article 10 For a criminal who has not been taken into custody before the judgment and needs to be taken into custody for the execution of criminal punishment after the judgment, the detention center shall take him into custody by virtue of the documents listed in Article 9 of these Measures, and collect the ten finger fingerprint information of the criminal.

Article 11 When a prisoner is taken into custody in accordance with Article 10 of these Measures, the detention house shall conduct health and personal and material safety inspections. The non necessities of a prisoner shall be registered, and his family shall be notified to take them back or be kept by the detention house on his behalf; The contraband shall be confiscated.

The physical examination of female criminals shall be carried out by the female people's police.

Article 12 When going through the formalities for taking a prisoner into custody, a criminal file shall be established. Legal documents and management materials in the process of detention and serving sentences shall be kept in archives. Criminal files are filed for each person, and are divided into positive files and negative files. The official documents include custody certificates, written decisions on temporary execution outside prison, written rulings on commutation, parole, release certificates and other legal documents; The deputy file includes management records such as custody registration, conversation education, criminal assessment, rewards and punishments, disease treatment, property custody registration, etc.

Article 13 After a prisoner is taken into custody, the detention house shall, within five days, issue a notice to the prisoner's family members or guardians of the place where the criminal executes his criminal punishment. A foreign criminal in custody shall be reported to the public security organ within 24 hours.

Section II Handling complaints, charges and exposures of criminals

Article 14 If a criminal refuses to accept a legally effective judgment or order and files a complaint, the detention house shall promptly transmit the complaint materials to the People's Procuratorate and the People's Court that made the effective judgment. A criminal may also entrust his legal representative or close relatives to file a complaint.

Article 15 Criminals have the right to accuse and report illegal and criminal acts.

The detention house shall set up complaint and accusation mailboxes to accept the complaint and accusation materials of criminals. Criminals may also directly accuse and report to the police.

Article 16 The detention house shall deal with the accusation and accusation materials submitted to it by a prisoner within 15 days from the date of receiving the materials; The detention house shall, within five days from the date of receipt of the complaint or accusation materials submitted by a prisoner to the people's court or the people's procuratorate, transmit them.

If the detention house handles the charges or exposures or transfers them to the relevant departments for handling, it shall promptly notify the criminals who have made the charges or exposures with their names of the relevant circumstances or the results of the handling.

Article 17 If, in the course of executing the criminal punishment, the detention house discovers that the judgment may be wrong, it shall refer it to the People's Procuratorate or the People's Court for handling.

Section III Temporary execution outside prison

Article 18 If a criminal meets the conditions for temporary execution outside prison as stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, he, his legal representative and close relatives may submit a written application to the detention center, and the correctional police or the detention center doctor may also submit a written opinion.

Article 19 After receiving an application or opinion for temporary execution outside prison, the detention house shall hold a meeting of its affairs to study it. After the initial trial is approved, the detention house shall carry out an appraisal of the criminal's condition, an appraisal of his inability to take care of himself or a pregnancy examination according to different circumstances. If the detention house fails to pass the initial trial, it shall inform the person who submitted the written application or opinion of the reason.

The office meeting shall have written records, which shall be signed by the participants.

Article 20 An appraisal of the illness of a criminal temporarily serving outside prison shall be conducted in a hospital designated by the people's government at the provincial level; Pregnancy examination should be carried out in the hospital; If they can't take care of their own lives, they shall be identified by an identification team composed of leaders of the detention center's branch office, correctional police, detention center doctors, resident prosecutors, etc; For a woman who is breast-feeding her own baby, the detention center shall notify the public security organ in the place where the criminal's household registration or residence is located to issue relevant certificates.

The inability to take care of oneself in life refers to the inability to get up, eat, walk and go to the toilet in daily life due to illness, disability or old and infirmity, which can only be completed with the assistance of others.

A criminal who may be socially dangerous to be released on parole for medical treatment, or a criminal who injures himself or maims himself, shall not be released on parole for medical treatment.

Article 21 If a criminal needs to be released on parole for medical treatment, the criminal or his family members shall provide a guarantor. The guarantor shall be examined and determined by the detention house.

Article 22 The guarantor shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Willing to undertake the obligation of witness guarantee and having full civil capacity;

(2) Personal freedom is not restricted and enjoys political rights;

(3) Having a fixed domicile and income, and being able to perform the obligations of a guarantor;

(4) Live together with the guaranteed or live in the same county level public security organ area.

Article 23 The guarantor shall sign the medical insurance certificate for out of insurance.

Article 24 During the period when a prisoner is released on parole for medical treatment, the guarantor shall perform the following obligations:

(1) Assist community correction institutions to supervise the guaranteed person to comply with laws and relevant regulations;

(2) If it is found that the guaranteed person leaves the city or county where he lives without authorization, changes his residence, commits an illegal or criminal act, his parole for medical treatment disappears, or the guaranteed person dies, it shall be reported immediately to the community correction institution;

(3) Provide assistance for the treatment, nursing, reexamination and normal life of the guaranteed person;

(4) Urge and assist the guaranteed person to review his/her illness regularly and report to the executive organ in accordance with regulations.

Article 25 For a criminal who needs to be temporarily executed outside prison, the detention house shall fill in an approval form for temporary execution outside prison, and attach an appraisal of his illness, a certificate of pregnancy examination, an appraisal of his inability to live on his own, or a certificate of breast-feeding his own baby; If it is necessary to seek medical treatment on parole, the medical insurance certificate on parole shall be attached at the same time. The county level detention center shall submit the relevant materials to the public security organ under its jurisdiction for examination and approval, and then to the public security organ at or above the level of the city divided into districts for approval; A detention center at or above the level of a city divided into districts shall submit relevant materials to the public security organ for examination and approval.

At the same time as submitting the examination and approval materials, the detention house shall copy the copies of the approval form for temporary execution outside prison, the identification of illness or the diagnosis certificate of pregnancy examination, the identification of inability to take care of oneself in life, the proof of breast-feeding one's own baby, the medical insurance certificate for parole and other relevant materials to the procuratorate in the People's Procuratorate.

The public security organ that approved the temporary execution outside prison shall, after receiving the opinion of the People's Procuratorate that the temporary execution outside prison is improper, reexamine the decision on temporary execution outside prison.

Article 26 After receiving the written decision of the organ approving or deciding the temporary execution outside prison, the detention house shall go through the formalities for the prisoner to leave the prison, issue the written decision of the temporary execution outside prison, and inform the prisoner of the provisions that should be observed.

Article 27 If the place where a criminal temporarily serves his sentence outside prison and his residence are not within the jurisdiction of the public security organ at or above the level of the same province or city divided into districts, and he needs to return to his place of residence for temporary execution outside prison, the supervision department of the provincial public security organ in the place where he serves his sentence or the supervision department of the public security organ at or above the level of the city divided into districts shall notify the supervision department of the public security organ at the same level in the place of residence in writing, The supervision department of the public security organ in the place of residence shall designate a detention house to receive the files of criminals and be responsible for going through the formalities of imprisonment or release after serving the sentence.

Article 28 A detention house shall deliver a criminal temporarily serving sentence outside prison to his place of residence and go through the handover formalities with the judicial administration organ at the county level.

Article 29 If the public security organ decides to put a criminal in prison for temporary execution outside prison, the detention house in the place where the criminal resides shall put the criminal in prison for execution.

A detention house shall be a criminal whose remaining term of imprisonment is less than three months before the sentence is handed over for execution if the people's court decides to temporarily allow a criminal to be put in prison for execution outside prison.

Article 30 If a prisoner's term of imprisonment expires during the period when he is temporarily serving his sentence outside prison, the detention house shall go through the formalities for his release after serving his sentence.

Article 31 If a prisoner dies during the period of temporary execution outside prison, the detention house shall put the written notice of the execution organ in the prisoner's file and indicate it in the registration form.

Section IV Request for commutation and parole

Article 32 If a prisoner meets the conditions for commutation or parole, the correctional police shall make a proposal and report it to the detention center's affairs committee for discussion and decision. The office meeting shall have written records, which shall be signed by the participants.

Article 33 After the detention house's affairs committee has studied and agreed, it shall publicize the list of criminals who intend to apply for commutation or parole and their opinions on commutation or parole in the detention house. The publicity period is three working days. During the period of publicity, if the police or criminals raise objections to the contents of the publicity, the detention house shall reconvene its affairs meeting and inform it of the results of the review.

Article 34 After publicity, the head of the detention center shall sign opinions on the approval form for commutation and parole of criminals, affix the official seal of the detention center, make a proposal for commutation and parole, and after being reviewed and approved by the public security organ at or above the level of the city divided into districts, together with relevant materials, submit it to the people's court at or above the intermediate level where it is located for ruling, and copy the proposal and relevant materials to the people's procuratorate.

Article 35 When the detention house submits a case of commutation or parole to the people's court, it shall send the following materials:

(1) Proposal for commutation and parole;

(2) Copies of the judgment documents, notice of execution and previous commutation orders of the People's Court of Final Appeal;

(3) Written materials proving that the criminal truly repents, performs meritorious service or performs major meritorious service;

(4) Relevant materials such as criminal appraisal form, reward and punishment approval form;

(5) Other materials that need to be transferred according to the circumstances of the case.

Article 36 Before the people's court makes a decision on commutation or parole, if the detention center finds that a prisoner does not meet the conditions for commutation or parole, it shall withdraw the written proposal for commutation or parole; After the order of commutation or parole takes effect, if the detention house finds that the prisoner does not meet the conditions for commutation or parole, it shall make a written proposal to the people's court that made the order to revoke the order.

Article 37 After receiving the written order of the people's court for parole, the detention house shall go through the formalities for the prisoner to leave the prison, issue a certificate of parole, and send the relevant materials of the prisoner to the judicial administration organ at the county level in the place where the prisoner resides within three days.

Article 38 If a paroled criminal is ordered by a people's court to revoke his parole, the detention house shall put him back in prison after receiving the order to revoke parole.

Article 39 If a prisoner dies during the period of parole, the detention house shall put the written notice of the executing organ in the prisoner's file and indicate it in the registration form.

Section V release

Article 40 The detention center shall, within one month before the expiration of a prisoner's sentence, send his or her performance in the detention center, comprehensive assessment opinions, and advice on assistance and education to the public security organ at the county level and the judicial administrative organ in the place where he or she is registered (the Office of the Coordination Group for Resettlement Assistance and Education Work).

Article 41 When a prisoner has served his sentence, the detention center shall release him on schedule, issue him a release certificate after serving his sentence, and inform him to go through the household registration formalities at the local police station where he used to be registered within the prescribed time limit with the release certificate after serving his sentence; If there is money or property in custody, the detention house shall return it in full.

If a person released after serving his sentence is seriously ill, the detention house shall notify his family members to take him back.

Article 42 If a criminal of foreign nationality is sentenced to additional expulsion from the country, the detention house shall notify the exit and entry control department of the public security organ to which he belongs 10 days before the expiration of his sentence.

Chapter III Administration

Section I put into separate control and custody

Article 43 Detention centers shall hold and manage male and female criminals, adult and juvenile criminals respectively.

Conditional detention centers may hold and manage prisoners separately according to their types of crimes, types of punishments, personality characteristics, psychological conditions, health conditions, and reform performance.

Article 44 A detention house shall, according to the performance of a prisoner in his reform, impose leniency and severity on prisoners at different levels. The application of graded treatment to criminals shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions and on the basis of the results of the assessment of their reform performance, and shall be adjusted in due course according to the changing circumstances.

With regard to criminals of different treatment levels, the detention center shall deal with them respectively in the scope of their activities, meeting and communication, receiving articles, recreational and sports activities, and rewards.

Section II Meeting, communication, temporary exit

Article 45 A prisoner may meet with his relatives or guardian once or twice a month, each time not exceeding one hour. No more than three people come to meet with criminals each time. If, due to special circumstances, it is necessary to extend the meeting time, increase the number of people to meet, or if a person other than his relatives or guardians requests to meet, approval shall be obtained from the leader of the detention house.

Article 46 When a prisoner meets with an entrusted lawyer, the lawyer shall file an application with the detention house. The detention house shall examine the power of attorney, the letter of introduction from the law firm and the lawyer's practice license, and make arrangements within 48 hours.

Article 47 In accordance with the relevant provisions of the international conventions to which China is a party and the consular treaties concluded, if the officials of foreign embassies (consulates) in China request to visit criminals of their own nationality, or the relatives or guardians of foreign criminals request to meet for the first time, they shall submit a written application to the provincial public security organ. The detention house shall be arranged according to the written notice of the provincial public security organ. If the relatives or guardians of foreign criminals request to meet again, they may directly apply to the detention house.

If a criminal of foreign nationality refuses to be visited by an official of the embassy (consulate) of his country in China or his relatives or guardians, the detention house will not make arrangements, but the criminal shall issue a written statement signed by himself.

Article 48 With the approval of the leader of the detention center, a prisoner may use the designated fixed line telephone to talk with his relatives, friends and guardians; Foreign criminals can also talk with their embassies (consulates) in China. The cost of the call shall be borne by the criminal himself.

Article 49 Criminals of ethnic minorities may meet and communicate in their native languages; Criminals of foreign nationality may meet and communicate in their native languages.

Article 50 The meeting shall be held in the meeting room of the detention house.

Close relatives and guardians of criminals are not convenient to meet in the detention center. Upon their application, the detention center may arrange a video interview.

The meeting and communication shall comply with the relevant provisions of the detention center. If the detention center violates the regulations, it may suspend the meeting and communication.

Article 51 A criminal may correspond with his relatives, friends or guardians. The detention house shall check the correspondence of the prisoner, and may detain the correspondence that hinders the reform of the prisoner if it is found.

Letters written by criminals to the higher authorities and judicial organs of the detention house are not subject to inspection.

Article 52 If the case handling organ needs to know the relevant information from the criminal because of handling the case, it shall issue the certificate of the case handling organ and the work card of the case handling personnel, which shall be carried out in the detention house after being approved by the leader of the detention house.

Article 53 If it is necessary to bring a criminal to the detention center for booty taking, identification, testimony in court, trial, etc., the case handling organ shall issue an official letter, which shall be submitted with the approval of the leader of the detention center and returned on the same day.

If the investigation organ needs to temporarily send the criminal to a detention house in a different place for evidence due to handling other cases, and holds an official letter from the public security organ at or above the level of a city divided into districts where the investigation organ is located, the detention house shall allow the criminal to submit and handle the relevant procedures.

If a people's court needs to bring a criminal to a detention house because of the need for a retrial session, and holds a written decision or ruling of the people's court on a criminal retrial or a written protest of the people's procuratorate, the detention house shall allow him to do so and go through the relevant procedures.

Article 54 A criminal sentenced to criminal detention may go home one or two days a month. The criminal himself shall file an application, the correctional police shall sign an opinion, and after being examined by the head of the detention house, the application shall be submitted to the public security organ for approval.

Article 55 If a foreign criminal sentenced to criminal detention applies to visit his family, the detention center shall report to the public security organ at or above the level of a city divided into districts for examination and approval. If the public security organ at or above the level of a city divided into districts makes a decision of approval, it shall report it to the public security organ at the next higher level for the record.

When a criminal of foreign nationality sentenced to criminal detention visits his family, he may not leave the country.

Article 56 The detention center shall issue a certificate of return to the home of a criminal who is allowed to return home, and inform him of the relevant provisions to be observed.

The time for a prisoner to return home cannot be used collectively, and the end of his sentence may not be used as the time for returning home, so that he may be released in advance in disguised form.

Article 57 If a criminal needs to handle civil legal acts that must be carried out by himself, such as marriage registration, he shall submit a written application to the detention center. After being approved by the leader of the detention center, he shall leave the detention center for handling, be escorted by two or more policemen, and return on the same day.

Article 58 When a criminal needs to appear in court in a civil action, he shall entrust an agent ad litem to appear in court on his behalf. If a criminal has to appear in court in person in a lawsuit involving personal relations, he shall go through the temporary departure formalities with the notice of the people's court, and the judicial police of the people's court shall be responsible for escorting him to custody and returning on the same day.

If a prisoner is not suitable to leave the detention center to appear in court due to special circumstances, the detention center may consult with the people's court and, in accordance with the provisions of Article 121 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the people's court may go to the detention center to hold a hearing.

Article 59 If a criminal has a spouse, parents or children who are critically ill or dead and really need to go home to deal with them, the local public security police station shall issue a certificate, and with the approval of the leader of the public security organ of the detention center, he may temporarily leave the detention center, be escorted by two or more policemen, and return on the same day.

Section III Living and sanitation

Article 60 The food for prisoners shall be provided in accordance with the standards for physical quantity formulated by the financial department and the public security department under the State Council.

Article 61 Criminals should wear prison clothes.

Article 62 Criminals of ethnic minorities should respect their living and eating habits. During the period of treatment of a prisoner's illness, the detention center shall appropriately raise the food standards.

Article 63 The detention house shall inspect the articles received by the prisoners, and the non daily necessities shall be registered and kept by the detention house. The money received by a criminal shall be kept by the detention house on his behalf, and an account card shall be issued to the criminal.

After examining and receiving the articles and money sent to the criminal, the detention house shall issue a receipt to the sender and the payer.

Criminals may use articles and spend money in accordance with relevant regulations. When a criminal is released after serving his sentence, the balance of money and his belongings shall be taken back by him.

Article 64 The detention center shall promptly treat sick prisoners; Those who suffer from infectious diseases and need to be isolated for treatment shall be isolated for treatment in a timely manner.

Article 65 If a prisoner dies while serving his sentence, the detention center shall immediately report to the public security organ to which he belongs and notify the family members of the prisoner, the People's Procuratorate and the People's Court that originally sentenced him. If a foreign criminal dies, he shall immediately report it to the provincial public security organ.

If a prisoner dies, the public security organ or the hospital to which the detention house belongs shall make an appraisal of the cause of death. If the family members of the criminals have objections, they may submit them to the People's Procuratorate.

Section IV Assessment, rewards and punishments

Article 66 A detention house shall, in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, conduct quantitative assessment of the performance of prisoners in their reform. The assessment shall be filled in by the discipline police. The main contents of the assessment are the criminals' confession, compliance with prison regulations, education, participation in labor, etc.

The results of the assessment shall be used as the basis for graded punishment, rewards and punishments, and for requesting commutation and parole.

Article 67 The detention house may commend, give material rewards or record meritorious deeds to a criminal who is under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Abide by the management regulations, study hard, work actively, and have the performance of pleading guilty to the law;

(2) Stopping illegal and criminal activities;

(3) Those who have made achievements in protecting public property or saving raw materials in labor;

(4) Having achieved certain results in carrying out technological innovation or imparting production technology;

(5) Making certain contributions to the prevention or elimination of disasters and accidents;

(6) Having other contributions to the country and society.

The suggestions on material rewards or merit recording for criminals shall be put forward by the correctional police, the material rewards shall be approved by the leaders of the detention center, and the merit recording shall be studied and decided by the detention center's affairs committee. If a criminal sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment falls under one of the circumstances listed in the preceding paragraph and has consistently performed well during his sentence, leaving the detention center will no longer harm society, the detention center may, according to the circumstances, allow him to leave the detention center to visit his relatives.

Article 68 If a criminal applies to leave the detention house to visit his relatives, his family members shall provide a guarantee, and after being approved by the detention house's affairs committee, the application shall be submitted to the leader of the public security organ for approval. The visiting time does not include travel time, which is three to seven days. During the period of visiting relatives, criminals shall not leave their relatives' places of residence or leave the country.

The affairs meeting of the detention house shall have written records, which shall be signed by the participants.

It is not allowed to arrange the time for a prisoner to leave the house to visit his family at the end of his sentence and release the prisoner ahead of time in disguised form.

Article 69 The detention center shall issue a certificate of home leave to a criminal who leaves the detention center to visit his family. A criminal shall report to the local public security station on the day he arrives at home with a certificate of home leave. When returning to the detention center, the local police station shall indicate his performance during the period of home leave on the certificate of home leave.

Article 70 If a prisoner has one of the following circumstances that undermine the order of supervision and control, and the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be given a warning; If the circumstances are serious, a demerit shall be recorded; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be confined; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:

(1) Gathering people to make a scene and disturbing the normal order of supervision;

(2) Abusing or beating the police;

(3) Opposing other criminals;

(4) Stealing, gambling, fighting, causing trouble;

(5) Refusing to take part in work or slacking off on work when they have the ability to work, and refusing to change after being educated;

(6) Escaping from work by means of self injury or self mutilation;

(7) Deliberately violating the operating rules in production labor, or intentionally damaging production tools;

(8) Other acts in violation of the regulations on the administration of the detention center.

The correctional police shall put forward opinions on the demerit recording and confinement of criminals, and report to the leader of the detention center for approval. The period of confinement is five to ten days, and meetings and communications are suspended during the period of confinement.

Article 71 A detention house shall designate special persons to educate and help prisoners who are under detention. Those who have truly repented may be released from detention in advance, and the correctional police shall submit written comments to the leader of the detention center for approval; If the period of confinement expires, the confinement shall be lifted immediately.

Chapter IV Educational reform

Article 72 A detention house shall establish a system for educating and reforming criminals and educate them in the legal system, morality, culture and skills.

Article 73 The education of criminals should be based on the type of crime, the reason for the crime, the degree of malignancy, and the ideological, behavioral, and psychological characteristics of the criminals, adhere to the principle of teaching according to people, convincing people with reason, and focusing on actual results, and adopt the method of combining collective education with individual education, and combining in house education with outside education.

Article 74 Where conditions permit, detention centers shall set up classrooms, talking rooms, recreational and sports rooms, libraries, reading rooms, audio-visual education rooms, psychological counseling rooms and other places for educational reform, and shall be equipped with necessary facilities.

Article 75 A detention house shall, in the light of current events, politics, major events, etc., provide collective education to criminals in due time.

Article 76 The detention center shall, according to the specific conditions of each prisoner, carry out targeted education at the right time.

Article 77 The detention center shall actively strive for social support and cooperate with the detention center to carry out social assistance and education activities. Detention centers may organize prisoners to visit, study and receive education in society.

Article 78 A detention house shall, in light of different circumstances, provide cultural education to prisoners and encourage them to study on their own.

Criminals may participate in self-study examinations for higher education held by the State, and detention centers shall provide convenience for prisoners to study and take examinations.

Article 79 The detention center shall strengthen the cultural construction of the prison area, organize prisoners to carry out appropriate recreational and sports activities, and create a reform environment conducive to the physical and mental health and development of prisoners.

Article 80 A detention house shall organize prisoners to participate in labour, cultivate labour skills, actively create conditions, and organize prisoners to participate in various types of vocational and technical education and training.

Article 81 The working hours of prisoners in detention houses shall be governed by reference to the relevant provisions of the State on working hours.

Criminals have the right to rest on statutory holidays and rest days.

Article 82 A detention house may, at its discretion, pay remuneration to criminals who participate in labour and implement the relevant provisions of the State on labour protection.

Article 83 If a criminal causes injury, disability or death in the course of work, the detention house shall handle the matter with reference to the relevant provisions of the State on labor insurance.

Chapter V supplementary articles

Article 84 If a criminal commits a new crime in a detention house, the public security organ to which he belongs shall investigate.

Article 85 If a detention house discovers that a prisoner has committed a criminal act that has not been discovered before the judgment, it shall report in writing to the public security organ to which he belongs.

Article 86 The public security organ at or above the level of a city divided into districts may, according to the actual situation, set up a detention center for criminals who are held in detention centers to execute criminal punishments.

Article 87 The public security departments and bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Public Security Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps may formulate detailed rules for implementation in accordance with these Measures.

Article 88 The Measures are from two thousand and thirteen year eleven month twenty-three Effective from. two thousand and eight year two month twenty-nine Measures for the Administration of Criminals Executing Criminal Penalties in Detention Centers (Order No ninety-eight No.) shall be abolished at the same time.

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