Administrative Provisions on Deep Integration of Internet Information Services

Source: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

Issued on: November 14, 2023

National Internet Information Office

Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China

Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China

No. 12

The Regulations on the Administration of Deep Integration of Internet Information Services, which was deliberated and adopted at the 21st office meeting of the State Internet Information Office in 2022 on November 3, 2022, and approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security, are hereby promulgated and will come into force as of January 10, 2023.

Zhuang Rongwen, Director of the State Internet Information Office

Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology

Wang Xiaohong, Minister of Public Security

November 25, 2022

Administrative Provisions on Deep Integration of Internet Information Services

Chapter I General Provisions

   Article 1 In order to strengthen the in-depth synthesis management of Internet information services, promote socialist core values, safeguard national security and social public interests, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, according to the Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services and other laws and administrative regulations.

   Article 2 These Provisions apply to the provision of Internet information services (hereinafter referred to as "deep synthesis services") using deep synthesis technology within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Where laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

   Article 3 The national network information department is responsible for coordinating the governance and relevant supervision and management of the national in-depth synthesis service. The competent telecommunications department of the State Council and the public security department shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of in-depth synthesis services in accordance with their respective responsibilities.

The local network information department is responsible for coordinating the governance and relevant supervision and management of in-depth composite services within its own administrative region. The local competent telecommunications department and the public security department shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of in-depth composite services within their respective administrative areas according to their respective responsibilities.

   Article 4 To provide in-depth synthesis services, we should abide by laws and regulations, respect social morality and ethics, adhere to the correct political direction, public opinion orientation and value orientation, and promote the improvement of in-depth synthesis services.

   Article 5 Encourage relevant industry organizations to strengthen industry self-discipline, establish and improve industry standards, industry codes and self-discipline management system, urge and guide in-depth synthesis service providers and technical supporters to develop and improve business specifications, conduct business according to law and accept social supervision.

Chapter II General Provisions

   Article 6 Any organization or individual shall not use the in-depth synthesis service to produce, copy, publish, and disseminate information prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, and shall not use the in-depth synthesis service to engage in activities prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, such as endangering national security and interests, damaging the national image, infringing social and public interests, disrupting economic and social order, and infringing the legitimate rights and interests of others.

Deep composition service providers and users shall not use deep composition service to produce, copy, release or disseminate false news information. If the news information produced and released based on the in-depth synthesis service is reproduced, the news information released by the source unit of Internet news information release shall be reproduced according to law.

   Article 7 The in-depth synthesis service provider shall implement the main responsibility of information security, establish and improve the management system of user registration, algorithm mechanism review, scientific and technological ethics review, information release review, data security, personal information protection, anti telecom network fraud, emergency response, etc., and have safe and controllable technical guarantee measures.

   Article 8 The in-depth synthesis service provider shall formulate and disclose management rules and platform conventions, improve service agreements, perform management responsibilities according to laws and agreements, and significantly prompt the in-depth synthesis service technology supporters and users to assume information security obligations.

   Article 9 The in-depth composition service provider shall authenticate the true identity information of users of in-depth composition service according to law based on mobile phone number, identity card number, unified social credit code or national network identity authentication public service, and shall not provide information publishing services to users of in-depth composition service who have not authenticated the true identity information.

   Article 10 The in-depth composition service provider shall strengthen the management of in-depth composition content, and review the input data and composition results of in-depth composition service users in a technical or manual manner.

The in-depth synthesis service provider shall establish and improve the feature database used to identify illegal and bad information, improve the warehousing standards, rules and procedures, and record and retain relevant network logs.

If an in-depth synthesis service provider discovers illegal and bad information, it shall take measures to deal with it according to law, keep relevant records, and report to the network information department and relevant competent departments in a timely manner; Take warning, function restriction, service suspension, account closure and other disposal measures for users of relevant in-depth synthesis services in accordance with the law.

   Article 11 The in-depth synthesis service provider shall establish and improve the rumor refutation mechanism. If it finds that the in-depth synthesis service is used to produce, copy, release and disseminate false information, it shall take measures to refute rumors in a timely manner, keep relevant records, and report to the Internet information department and relevant competent departments.

   Article 12 The in-depth synthesis service provider shall set up a convenient entrance for user complaints and public complaints and reports, publish the processing flow and feedback time limit, and timely accept, handle and feedback the processing results.

   Article 13 Application distribution platforms such as Internet application stores should implement security management responsibilities such as listing review, daily management and emergency response, and verify the security assessment and filing of deep composite applications; In case of violation of the relevant provisions of the State, measures such as refusing to go on the shelf, warning, suspending services or going off the shelf shall be taken in a timely manner.

Chapter III Data and Technical Management Specifications

   Article 14 Deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters should strengthen the management of training data and take necessary measures to ensure the safety of training data; If the training data contains personal information, the relevant provisions on the protection of personal information shall be observed.

If an in-depth synthesis service provider or technical supporter provides the editing function of biometric information such as face and voice, it shall prompt the user of in-depth synthesis service to inform the edited individual according to law and obtain his/her separate consent.

   Article 15 Deep composition service providers and technical supporters should strengthen technical management, and regularly review, evaluate and verify the mechanism of generating synthesis algorithms.

Deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters who provide models, templates and other tools with the following functions shall carry out safety assessment by themselves or entrust professional institutions according to law:

(1) Generating or editing face, voice and other biometric information;

(2) Generating or editing non biometric information such as special objects and scenes that may involve national security, national image, national interests and social public interests.

   Article 16 The in-depth synthesis service provider shall take technical measures to add marks that do not affect users' use of the information content generated or edited by using its services, and keep the log information in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant national regulations.

   Article 17 If the deep composition service provider provides the following deep composition services, which may lead to confusion or misunderstanding by the public, it shall prominently mark the reasonable location and area of the generated or edited information content to remind the public of the deep composition:

(1) Intelligent dialogue, intelligent writing and other text generation or editing services simulating natural persons;

(2) Editing services for voice synthesis, voice imitation and other voice generation or significant change of personal identity characteristics;

(3) Editing services for generating human images, videos or significantly changing personal identity features, such as face generation, face replacement, face manipulation, posture manipulation, etc;

(4) Immersive simulation scene generation or editing services;

(5) Other services with the function of generating or significantly changing information content.

Where an in-depth synthesis service provider provides in-depth synthesis services other than those specified in the preceding paragraph, it shall provide a prominent identification function and prompt users of in-depth synthesis services to carry out prominent identification.

   Article 18 No organization or individual may use technical means to delete, tamper with or conceal the deep composite logo specified in Articles 16 and 17 of these Provisions.

Chapter IV Supervision and Inspection and Legal Responsibility

   Article 19 The deep synthesis service provider with the attribute of public opinion or the ability of social mobilization shall fulfill the filing, change and cancellation procedures in accordance with the Administrative Provisions on Recommendation of Internet Information Service Algorithms.

Technical proponents of deep synthesis services shall, with reference to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, go through the procedures of filing, alteration and cancellation of filing.

The deep synthesis service provider and technical supporter who have completed the filing shall indicate their filing number and provide a link to the publicity information in a prominent position on the website and application program where they provide services to the outside world.

   Article 20 If an in-depth synthesis service provider develops new products, new applications and new functions with the attribute of public opinion or the ability of social mobilization, it shall carry out safety assessment in accordance with relevant national regulations.

   Article 21 The network communication department, the competent telecommunications department and the public security department shall supervise and inspect the in-depth synthesis service according to their responsibilities. Deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters shall cooperate according to law and provide necessary technical, data and other support and assistance.

If the network information department and relevant competent departments find that there is a large information security risk in the in-depth synthesis service, they can require the in-depth synthesis service provider and technical support to take measures such as suspending information updates, user account registration or other related services according to their responsibilities. Deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters shall take measures as required to rectify and eliminate hidden dangers.

   Article 22 If the deep synthesis service provider and technical supporter violate this provision, they shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations; If serious consequences are caused, a heavier punishment shall be given according to law.

If the act constitutes a violation of the administration of public security, the public security organ shall impose a public security administration punishment according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

   Article 23 The meanings of the following terms in these Provisions:

Deep synthesis technology refers to the technology of producing network information such as text, image, audio, video and virtual scene by using deep learning, virtual reality and other synthetic algorithms, including but not limited to:

(1) Text generation, text style conversion, question and answer dialogue and other technologies for generating or editing text content;

(2) Text to speech, voice to speech, voice attribute editing and other technologies for generating or editing voice content;

(3) Music generation, scene sound editing and other technologies for generating or editing non voice content;

(4) Face generation, face replacement, character attribute editing, face manipulation, posture manipulation and other technologies for generating or editing biometrics in images and video content;

(5) Image generation, image enhancement, image restoration and other technologies for generating or editing non biological features in images and video content;

(6) 3D reconstruction, digital simulation and other technologies for generating or editing digital characters and virtual scenes.

Deep composition service providers refer to organizations and individuals that provide deep composition services.

Technical supporters of in-depth synthesis services refer to organizations and individuals that provide technical support for in-depth synthesis services.

Users of deep composition services refer to organizations and individuals that use deep composition services to produce, copy, publish and disseminate information.

Training data refers to the annotation or benchmark data set used to train machine learning models.

Immersive virtual scene refers to a virtual scene generated or edited by applying deep synthesis technology, which can be experienced or interacted by participants, and has a high degree of realism.

   Article 24 In depth synthesis service providers and technical supporters engaged in online publishing services, online cultural activities and online audio-visual program services shall simultaneously comply with the provisions of the competent departments of press and publication, culture, tourism, radio and television.

   Article 25 These Provisions shall come into force as of January 10, 2023.

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