Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Notice on Printing and Distributing the Measures of Shenzhen Municipality for the Entry of Points

Source: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

Issued on: June 20, 2023

SFGG [2023] No. 2

All relevant units:

The Shenzhen Municipal Government has agreed to the Measures for Credits Entry, which are now issued and implemented. Please follow them.

Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau

Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

January 30, 2023

Measures of Shenzhen Municipality on Credit Entry

   Article 1 In order to thoroughly implement the requirements of the state on further promoting the reform of the household registration system, and promote the orderly citizenization of the permanent population who have stable employment and life in Shenzhen, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of Shenzhen Municipality on household registration migration.

   Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, the point entry means that the persons who hold the residence permit of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and have legal and stable employment and legal and stable residence (including lease) in Shenzhen shall be given points according to the requirements of the point system, sorted according to the points, and approved to enter the household within the annual planned amount.

   Article 3 According to the economic and social development, the municipal government carries out macro-control on the entry of points in accordance with the principle of overall consideration, stability and order.

   Article 4 The municipal development and reform department (the municipal leading group office for population work) is responsible for guiding the implementation of the points entry policy, coordinating, supervising and inspecting the points entry work, and integrating the planned indicators into the municipal annual household registration population growth plan for management.

The municipal public security department is responsible for the specific implementation of the credit entry work, organizing the development of the information system, accepting and reviewing the application materials of the entry personnel, handling the entry procedures for the personnel who meet the entry requirements, and reviewing (reviewing) the recognition and compliance of the entry personnel.

The municipal human resources security department and the municipal medical insurance department are responsible for reviewing (rechecking) the information of the residents' participation in Shenzhen social insurance.

The municipal planning and natural resources departments are responsible for reviewing (rechecking) the registration information of residents in Shenzhen real estate.

The municipal housing construction department is responsible for reviewing (rechecking) the information about the housing rented by the residents in Shenzhen.

The municipal civil affairs department is responsible for assisting in reviewing (rechecking) the marital information of the householders.

The municipal market supervision department is responsible for assisting in verifying (reviewing) the negative behavior information of the household entry personnel.

The municipal government affairs service data management department is responsible for the maintenance and technical support of the municipal government affairs information sharing exchange platform, and coordinates the information sharing involved in the integration. The municipal human resources security, planning natural resources, housing construction, civil affairs, market supervision, public security and other departments ensure that the social security, real estate, leasing, marriage, commendation, negative behavior, illegal behavior and other information involved in the entry of points are shared through the sharing and exchange platform.

All relevant departments of the government and other relevant organizations shall establish a working mechanism for sharing the information of points entering the household, and actively cooperate with the household examination.

   Article 5 The person applying for points shall also meet the following basic conditions:

(1) The age of male is below 55 years old and female is below 50 years old;

(2) Holding a valid residence permit in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone;

(3) Having a house with legal property rights in Shenzhen for 5 consecutive years or having a legally leased residence for 5 consecutive years;

(4) In accordance with laws and regulations, the accumulative total number of years of paying Shenzhen endowment insurance or medical insurance has reached 5 years;

(5) No criminal record and no participation in organizations and activities prohibited by the state.

   Article 6 The total number of persons who have accumulated points shall be controlled annually. The number of annual household registration indicators shall be included in the annual household registration population growth plan of Shenzhen, and shall be announced to the public.

   Article 7 The household entry index of points consists of living conditions, years of social insurance participation, voluntary acts, negative behaviors, illegal behaviors and other indicators. The total household entry points are the accumulated points of various indicators. The municipal development and reform department and the municipal public security department can make dynamic adjustments to the score index, score and negative behavior list according to the implementation of the plan.

   Article 8 The personnel who handle the points entry shall apply to the municipal public security department for entry, and their points information shall be incorporated into the Shenzhen points entry information database and ranked from high to low.

   Article 9 The points will be accepted in a unified and centralized way, and the specific time will be announced by the municipal public security department separately. The municipal public security department shall determine the list of formal household applicants according to the score ranking of household applicants and the annual quota of household entry points, and publicize it to the public in a timely manner within 7 days. After the period of publicity expires, the official household entry personnel shall submit relevant household entry materials to the municipal public security department within the specified time. If it passes the review, it shall go through relevant entry procedures.

During the publicity period, if the household application personnel have any objection to the publicity results, they can apply to the municipal public security department for review and submit the corresponding review materials. All relevant departments shall feed back the review results to the municipal public security department within 7 days after receiving the review application materials handed over by the municipal public security department according to the functional division in Article 4 of these Measures.

   Article 10 Applicants who enter the official household entry list shall submit relevant household entry materials to the municipal public security department as required within the specified time. After verification, the municipal public security department shall issue Shenzhen household entry indicators within 15 working days and handle relevant household entry procedures.

   Article 11 If the spouse's property (or the property jointly owned by himself and his spouse) is used to apply for household registration, the marriage time of the husband and wife shall be two consecutive years and the marriage is still in existence on the annual application deadline. Minor children of the applicant are allowed to apply for simultaneous relocation.

   Article 12 If the household registration book of the applicant and his or her accompanying family members is still registered as an agricultural household, they shall also go through the formalities of "changing from agricultural to non-agricultural" in Shenzhen.

   Article 13 The municipal public security department shall, in accordance with these Measures, formulate a guide for the entry of points into households, strengthen publicity and guidance, and make it convenient and beneficial to the people.

   Article 14 The points application personnel shall ensure that the application materials are true and effective. If it is verified by relevant departments that there is concealment, deception or false materials, the application for household entry will not be accepted within 2 years from the date of verification; Those who have entered the household shall be cancelled and returned to their original places of origin; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

   Article 15 Unless otherwise specified, the time point for checking the entry conditions of the applicant and calculating the points in the Measures shall be the deadline of the application in the current year; The term "year" refers to the period from January 1 to December 31 of the current year.

   Article 16 The Measures shall come into force on February 15, 2023, and shall be valid for five years.

   Article 17 The Municipal Development and Reform Department, the Municipal Public Security Department, the Municipal Human Resources Security Department and other relevant departments are responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

Attached table: 1. Shenzhen points entry index and score table

2. List of negative behaviors of point entry

Schedule 1

Index and score table of Shenzhen points

Indicator category

Indicator items

Indicator description

Index score

Score direction

Implementation requirements

Stable residence

Own housing

Time of owning a house with legal property rights in Shenzhen

1 point for every full month


Housing with legal property rights in Shenzhen refers to the residential real estate registered and confirmed in Shenzhen, including commercial housing and non commercial housing. If the applicant or his or her spouse is the property owner and their share of rights is not less than 50%, or the applicant and his or her spouse are the same property owner and their share of rights jointly owned is not less than 50%, it can be regarded as owned. The applicant should have at least one set of legally owned housing in Shenzhen at the time of application for household registration (points can be obtained for the self owned housing currently or once owned, and points cannot be accumulated for more than one set of housing in the same time period, which is subject to the recognition results of the municipal planning and natural resources departments).

The points of self owned housing and rental housing within the same time period cannot be accumulated, and the specific results shall be determined by the municipal public security department.

Rental housing

Rental time in Shenzhen

0.2 points for every full month


In accordance with the relevant regulations, if the housing lease registration filing or information declaration is handled (the points for more than one set of lease in the same time period cannot be accumulated), the specific review and determination results of the municipal housing construction department shall prevail.

Stable employment

social insurance

Time of payment of Shenzhen social insurance (endowment insurance, social medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance)

0.3 points for each insurance type every full month


The applicant must still pay Shenzhen social insurance when applying for household registration. If the applicant's payment of Shenzhen social insurance is interrupted, the score shall be accumulated after the interruption time is eliminated, and the participation time formed by the applicant's supplementary payment shall not be calculated.

do boldly what is righteous

Those who have won the commendation of bravery for justice at or above the municipal level (including the municipal level)

Add 30 points


Those who have received commendations for righteous deeds at or above the municipal level (including the municipal level) shall be reviewed and recognized by the municipal public security department in conjunction with the Municipal Foundation for Courage for Righteousness. If there are multiple commendations, cumulative points will be added.

Negative behavior

Any behavior recorded in the negative behavior list

Deduct 200 points


The results of negative behaviors verified by relevant systems of Shenzhen City shall prevail. If there are multiple types of points deducted, cumulative points will be deducted.

Cumulative points of negative behavior and illegal behavior indicators.

illegal activities

There are records of enforcement of administrative compulsory measures or administrative punishment for drug abuse, or there are records of administrative detention in Shenzhen within three years

Deduct 300 points

It shall be examined and confirmed by the municipal public security department.

Schedule 2

List of negative behaviors of point entry


Point deduction behavior


Behavior endangering people's health and life safety


Responsible person with behaviors seriously endangering normal medical order


The current legal representative or main person in charge and actual controller of market entities with poor safety production records


existence Destroy the fair market competition order and the normal social order act


Persons punished for fraud


Defrauding medical security fund personnel


The current legal representative, main responsible person and actual controller of the designated medical institution that defrauded medical security funds


Individuals involved in major tax violations, as well as the legal representative or main responsible person, actual controller of the market subject at that time


The current legal representative, main responsible person and actual controller of the employer with serious arrears of migrant workers' wages


The current legal representative, main responsible person and actual controller of the institution listed in the list of disconnected P2P online lending institutions


The current legal representative, main responsible person and actual controller of the enterprise that was listed in the list of enterprises seriously infringing the legitimate rights and interests of consumers


There are acts that do not fulfill legal obligations and affect the credibility of judicial and administrative organs


Those who have the ability to perform but refuse to perform the obligations specified in the effective legal documents


Obstructing or resisting execution by means of falsifying evidence, violence, threats, etc


Evading enforcement by means of false litigation, false arbitration, or concealing or transferring the property of the person subjected to enforcement for dishonesty


Violating the property reporting system


Violation of consumption restriction order


The person who refuses to implement the settlement agreement without justified reasons

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