Measures for Rewards for Reporting Drug Offences

Source: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

Issued on: May 9, 2024

   Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions in order to mobilize the whole society to participate in the fight against drugs, encourage the reporting of illegal and criminal activities related to drugs, and reduce the social harm of drugs.

Article 2 The term "drug-related crimes" as mentioned in these Measures refers to drug-related crimes that violate laws and regulations and should be investigated for criminal responsibility, punished for public security administration or decided on measures related to drug rehabilitation.

Article 3 The term "informants" as mentioned in these Measures refers to citizens, legal persons and other organizations who voluntarily report drug related illegal and criminal activities or clues to public security organs through written materials, telephone calls, visits, etc.

Personnel of public security, procuratorial, judicial, judicial administration, national security, armed police, military, customs and other state organs related to their own work; These Measures are not applicable to the cases where the criminal suspect of a joint crime confesses to the public security organ the facts of the drug crime of the co offender, or the criminal suspect in custody exposes the facts of another person's drug crime or provides clues of drug crime.

Article 4 The offices of the drug control commissions at all levels and the public security organs shall designate and publish the telephone numbers or other methods for accepting reports. The Drug Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security shall be designated as the receiving agency for those who report directly to the Ministry of Public Security on the clues of drug-related crimes.

The report may be made publicly or anonymously. In order to facilitate verification and reward, the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission encourages real name reporting of drug-related crimes. If the anonymous report cannot verify the true identity or contact the reporter, it shall not be included in the reward scope.

Article 5 The offices of the drug control committees at all levels and the public security organs shall accept the reports from the masses in a timely manner, carefully record the way, time and content of the reports, as well as the identity information, contact information and other basic information of the informants. The original records shall be used as an important basis for rewards, and the rewards shall be paid in a timely manner after the case is solved.

After the Ministry of Public Security and the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission directly accept the clues of reporting drug-related crimes, they should carefully fill in the Registration Form of Reporting Drug related Crimes and promptly transfer it to relevant regions and departments for verification.

Public security organs at all levels shall, in accordance with the principle of territorial jurisdiction, investigate and deal with the tip off clues in a timely manner.

Article 6 The informant will be rewarded if he/she reports the clues of drug-related crimes that meet the following conditions and are verified by investigation:

(1) To report drug-related crimes within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or to report clues related to foreign-related drug-related crimes in China;

(2) There are clear and specific reporting objects, time, place, personnel, articles and other basic reporting facts of illegal and criminal activities;

(3) The information provided at the time of reporting has not been mastered by the public security organ, or although it is mastered by the public security organ, the content of the informant's reporting is more specific and detailed, and plays an important or key role in the process of case detection;

(4) Meet other necessary conditions for reporting rewards.

Article 7 A one-time reward will be given for reporting drug offences. Local governments can refer to the following standards and make adjustments according to the actual situation of the region:

(1) The quantity of seized drugs and precursor chemicals is converted based on heroin and ephedrine respectively.

(2) RMB 300 will be awarded for reporting drug-related criminal activities or clues and seizing drugs less than 10g; RMB 500 will be awarded if more than 10g and less than 50g are captured; RMB 1000 will be awarded if more than 50g and less than 500g are captured; RMB 2000 will be awarded if more than 500g and less than 1kg are captured; RMB 20000 will be awarded if more than 1 kg but less than 10 kg are captured; RMB 50000 will be awarded if more than 10 kg but less than 20 kg are captured; RMB 100000 will be awarded if more than 20kg but less than 50kg are captured; RMB 200000 will be awarded if more than 50 kg but less than 100 kg are captured; No less than 200000 yuan will be awarded if more than 100kg is captured.

(3) RMB 500 will be awarded for reporting drug-related criminal activities or clues and seizing less than 1kg of precursor chemicals; RMB 1000 will be awarded if more than 1 kg but less than 5 kg are captured; RMB 2000 will be awarded if more than 5 kg but less than 25 kg are captured; RMB 5000 will be awarded if more than 25kg but less than 50kg are captured; RMB 20000 will be awarded if more than 50 kg but less than 100 kg are captured; RMB 50000 will be awarded if more than 100kg but less than 300kg are captured; RMB 100000 will be awarded if more than 300kg but less than 500kg are captured; RMB 200000 will be awarded if more than 500 kg and less than 1 ton are captured; Reward of no less than 200000 yuan for more than 1 ton as the case may be.

(4) If a drug manufacturing factory is reported, 20000 to 200000 yuan will be awarded for each one investigated and dealt with according to the number of suspects arrested, the amount of drugs seized and precursors for drug manufacturing, and the amount of preparations.

(5) For those who report other clues of drug production, such as drug production articles and equipment, and uncover drug production cases, a reward of 10000 to 100000 yuan will be given according to the number of suspects arrested and the situation of drug production articles and equipment seized.

(6) Those who report major drug related criminal suspects will be rewarded according to the amount of reward offered by the Ministry of Public Security for arresting the wanted drug traffickers; If the drug traffickers in the information database of fugitives from the Ministry of Public Security are caught, they will be rewarded according to the reward measures of the Ministry of Public Security for pursuing fugitives.

(7) RMB 3000 will be awarded if more than three but less than five persons are found to have reported drug addicts; If more than 5 but less than 10 persons are found, RMB 10000 will be awarded; If more than 10 persons are found, RMB 20000 will be awarded.

(8) RMB 500 will be awarded for each person who is caught driving a motor vehicle after reporting drug use or injection.

(9) For those who report that they are illegally cultivating opium poppy or cannabis, 1000 yuan will be awarded for each case below 1 mu; If the area is more than 1 mu, RMB 2000 will be awarded for each case; RMB 1000 will be awarded to those who report the illegal trade, transportation, carrying or possession of more than 50g of original plant seeds of opium poppy drugs or more than 5000 opium poppy seedlings, 50kg of cannabis seeds or more than 50000 cannabis seedlings without inactivation; After the informant provides clues, if the public security organ catches the criminal suspect of illegal cultivation of original drug plants, 2000 yuan will be awarded for each person caught.

(10) For the same report that meets multiple rewards, the maximum total reward amount shall not exceed 300000 yuan.

(11) Those who report other clues of drug-related crimes will be rewarded within the above reward range according to the verification.

(12) If the informant or the informant information provided by him or her plays an important role or makes special contributions in the investigation and handling of particularly serious drug cases, he or she may be rewarded up to 300000 yuan.

Article 8 If employees of security inspection, travel inspection, cargo inspection, mail inspection, logistics, express delivery, etc. find and report clues to drug-related crimes in the inspection work, and assist the public security organs in solving cases, local public security organs can reward those who provide clues to drug-related crimes according to the number of drugs and drug-related substances seized and the reward standard.

Article 9 If the same illegal and criminal drug activity is reported separately by multiple informants, the first informant will be rewarded. The order of reporting shall be subject to the time when the report is accepted. If other informants provide clues that have a direct or major role in clarifying the case, they will be rewarded as appropriate.

If the informant reports to two or more public security organs or the Office of the Narcotics Control Commission at the same time, the public security organ that directly cracked the case will give rewards, and no repeated rewards will be given.

Article 10 Rewarding and reporting funds shall be subject to the principle of responsibility and guarantee at different levels, incorporated into the budgets of public security organs at all levels, and managed as a whole.

The Ministry of Public Security shall bear the reward funds for major case clues reported directly to the Ministry of Public Security or the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission and investigated by the Ministry of Public Security under the command of the Ministry of Public Security, which shall be responsible for approval and distribution; The public security organs at the same level shall be responsible for the reward funds for the case clues transferred by the Ministry of Public Security to each province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) for investigation and the case clues accepted by each region.

Article 11 After investigating and solving a drug crime case according to the clues of the masses, the public security organs at all levels shall notify the informant to accept the award within 15 working days.

The informant shall receive the reward with his/her valid ID card within 2 months after receiving the reward notice. If it is inconvenient or difficult for the informant to receive the bonus directly, he/she can entrust another person to collect it on his/her behalf. The person who collects the bonus on behalf of the informant shall present his/her valid identity card and power of attorney. If it fails to collect the money within the time limit without justified reasons, it shall be deemed as giving up automatically.

If the Ministry of Public Security or the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission directly cashes in rewards for reporting, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant procedures of the Regulations on the Procedures for Handling Rewards for Reporting Drug related Violations and Crimes of the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission of the Ministry of Public Security.

The reward fund shall be paid in accordance with the relevant provisions of the treasury centralized payment system. If the conditions for non cash payment are met, the non cash payment method shall be selected to pay the bonus.

Article 12 The distribution of reward and reporting funds shall be consciously subject to the supervision and inspection of financial, discipline inspection, supervision, audit and other departments. If it is found that reward funds are distributed in violation of regulations or misappropriated, the relevant personnel shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

Article 13 Public security organs at all levels and the Office of the Drug Control Commission shall establish a confidential reporting system. Without the consent of the informant, the name, identity, residence, work unit and other information of the informant shall not be disclosed or disclosed in any form.

Article 14 The informant shall be responsible for the reported act. Those who deliberately fabricate facts in the name of reporting, falsely accuse, frame others or obtain illegal interests shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

Article 15 In any of the following circumstances, the directly responsible person and the relevant responsible person shall be given relevant sanctions according to the seriousness of the circumstances; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:

(1) Failing to carefully verify the reporting clues, resulting in the informer who does not meet the reward conditions being rewarded;

(2) Falsifying reporting materials, colluding with or helping others to falsely claim rewards;

(3) Informing the informant to help him escape investigation;

(4) Reporting relevant information leakage due to dereliction of duty;

(5) Obtaining rewards through reporting through others by taking advantage of the information or clues about drug violations and crimes learned in job activities;

(6) Other violations of discipline and laws.

Article 16 The term "above" as mentioned in these Measures includes this figure.

Article 17 The public security organs, financial departments, and drug control commission offices of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may refer to this method to formulate local reward measures for reporting drug-related offences.

Article 18 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.



Conversion standard for reward for reporting drug offences and seizing drug precursor chemicals

1 gram of drugs=

0.01 g dihydroetorphine;

1 gram of heroin, methamphetamine (including tablets, powders, crystals, mugu, and mugo), LSD, cocaine;

2 grams of morphine, other amphetamines, ecstasy, methcathinone, and identified new psychoactive substances (cathinones, piperazines, phenylethylamines, synthetic cannabinoids, and fentanyl);

5g poppy seeds (seeds), pethidine (meperidine tablets);

10 g ketamine;

20 g methadone, opium and pethidine injection;

40g tramadol, γ - hydroxybutyric acid;

100g buprenorphine, cannabis resin, hemp oil, codeine;

1000 g triazolam (Haishenle), methaqualone;

2000 grams of alprazolam, chate grass, cannabis leaves, cannabis smoke;

4000 grams of caffeine, poppy shells;

5000g barbital, phenobarbital, annaka, nimazepam;

10000 grams of chlordiazepine (imipenem), bromazepam, estazolam (zolam), diazepam (diazepam);

1 kg precursor chemicals=

1 kg ephedrine (including pseudoephedrine and raceephedrine), chloroephedrine, N-phenylethyl-4-piperidone (NPP), 4-anilino-N-phenylethyl piperidine (4-ANPP);

2 kg 1-phenyl-2-acetone, bromophenylacetone, 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-acetone (capsaicin methyl ketone), hydroxyimine;

4 kg o-chlorophenylcyclopentanone (o-one), norephedrine (element), methylephedrine (element), α - cyanophenylacetone (APAAN), ephedrine compound preparations, bromine, 1-phenyl-1-acetone;

10 kg acetic anhydride;

20 kg ephedra extract, ephedra extract powder, piperonal, safrole, safrole oil, isosafrole, ergotamine, ergometrine, phenylacetic acid;

50 kg N-acetyl-o-aminobenzoic acid, o-aminobenzoic acid, chloroform, ether, piperidine;

100 kg toluene, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, potassium permanganate, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, ephedra;

500kg methylamine (including its aqueous solution and alcohol solution), sulfoxide chloride, tetrahydrofuran, hydrobromic acid, propionyl chloride, propionic anhydride, o-chlorobenzonitrile, o-chlorobenzoyl chloride, o-chlorobenzoic acid, o-chlorobenzoate, o-chlorobenzaldehyde, phenylacetonitrile, benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, phenylacetamide, phenylacetate esters, ethyl benzoate, chlorocyclopentane, bromocyclopentane Iodine cyclopentane, γ - butyrolactone, hydrogen (cylinder), hydrogen chloride gas (cylinder), 1-phenyl-2-nitropropene, 1-phenyl-2-nitropropane, nitroethane, sodium borohydride, potassium borohydride, dibenzoyl tartaric acid, iodine, hydroiodic acid, red phosphorus, hypophosphoric acid, phosphorus pentachloride, benzyl chloride.  

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