Criteria for filing and prosecution of common economic crime cases [case of illegal issuance of financial bills]

Information source: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

Issued on: February 7, 2024

The case of illegally issuing financial bills (Article 188 of the Criminal Law) Where a bank or other financial institution and its staff violate regulations by issuing letters of credit or other letters of guarantee, bills, certificates of deposit, and credit certificates for others, and are suspected of one of the following circumstances, the case shall be filed for prosecution:

(1) Issuing letters of credit or other bills of guarantee, deposit receipts or credit certificates for others in violation of regulations, with the amount of more than 2 million yuan;

(2) Issuing letters of credit or other letters of guarantee, bills, deposit receipts or credit certificates for others in violation of regulations, resulting in direct economic losses of more than 500000 yuan;

(3) Issuing letters of credit or other letters of guarantee, bills, deposit receipts or credit certificates in violation of regulations for many times;

(4) Accepting bribes and issuing letters of credit or other letters of guarantee, bills, deposit receipts and credit certificates in violation of regulations;

(5) Other serious circumstances.

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