A hotel call fraud? The suspect is captured! The hotel should prevent this

Information source: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

Issued on: May 20, 2024

"I received a call calling myself" Cyber Information Office ". I checked the number of the hotel, and there must be something wrong with it!"

[Typical case] Recently, "deep anti fraud" received a report from the public, quickly organized the public security branch in the jurisdiction to track the line, and successfully set up a "VOIP" device in a hotel room for overseas fraudsters to call fraud suspects.

Please pay attention, please pay attention to the general public, especially the hotel owners, and be alert to the hotel fixed line being used by criminals to make fraudulent calls.

[Technique analysis] At present, many people know that the fraud risk coefficient of overseas calls starting with "+" or "00" is relatively high, and they are generally alert. If it is a local call, do you naturally pick up the call, but in fact, even if the call is displayed as a local call, it can also be a fraud call from abroad. How can this be so? With the further development of the "card breaking action", the illegal trading of telephone cards and card fraud are constantly squeezed, and it is increasingly difficult for mobile cards to be used for fraud, leading to "card shortage" on the communication side of fraud. As a result, the use of fixed line fraud, there are signs of resurgence. According to the instructions of overseas fraudsters, suspects carry VOIP equipment, routers and other crime tools, identify hotels, connect VOIP equipment through the fixed phone in the hotel room, and help fraud suspects dial fraud calls through remote control using network signals. The fraudsters set up such fraud related equipment in the hotel and connected it directly to the voice gateway with the hotel's telephone line. The purpose of overseas fraud groups is to use hotel landlines to make high-frequency calls to carry out telecommunications fraud.

[Police Reminder]

What should hotel operators do in their daily work?

The hotel operator shall strengthen daily security inspection, and report to the public security organ in a timely manner in case of any of the following suspicious situations: register with others' ID cards or check in more than one person with one card; For several consecutive days, he explained that "the room does not need cleaning, please do not enter"; No longer show up after checking in, only pay the room fee online to stay. If you find any electronic equipment not belonging to the hotel in the hotel room, you should pay special attention to the electronic equipment connected to the hotel network cable, WIFI or telephone line. Hotel telephone charges suddenly increase in large amount without any reason.

How can ordinary people prevent "VOIP" fraud?

First, do not trust, do not call back unfamiliar calls, and call the official number to verify the official channels in case of unknown calls such as "customer service", "public security, procuratorial and judicial" personnel; Second, do not click on suspicious website links, carefully click on unknown QR codes and links, and carefully connect to free WIFI; Third, whether it is an overseas number, a local fixed line number or an ordinary mobile phone number, please be vigilant when it comes to transfer! Fourth, if you find someone using "VOIP" and other devices in your life, please call the national anti fraud hotline 96110 immediately!


1. The hotel must strictly implement the check-in system for passengers. In case of violation of relevant management regulations, the public security organ will take measures such as suspension of business for rectification and fines.

2. No one may illegally manufacture, buy, sell, provide or use equipment or software illegally connected to public telecommunications networks.

3. Any organization, planning, implementation or participation in telecommunication network fraud activities or providing assistance for telecommunication network fraud activities will be seriously dealt with by the public security organ according to law.

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