Can we make money by investing and financing in the Year of the Dragon? Look at this first!

Information source: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

Issued on: February 8, 2024

[Typical case] Recently, Ms. Yu watched a stock speculation knowledge lecture on a live broadcast platform, chatted privately with an anchor account, and added herself as a WeChat friend, so that she could scan her WeChat code to enter the stock speculation exchange group. Then the group administrator sent Ms. Yu an APP installation package to download, install, and register her account number. Ms. Yu successively transferred 3.47 million yuan to the designated account, bought and sold shares in the APP, and withdrew 373000 yuan according to the other party's requirements and "investment guidance". Ms. Yu felt that she had made a great profit, so she continued to increase investment. After finding that the balance of more than 3 million yuan in the APP could not be withdrawn, she asked the other party. The other party said that the problem of the platform had been investigated, and a fine of 1.2 million yuan was required to withdraw. Ms. Yu refused to pay the fine, and continued to ask for the investment principal from the other party, which was blackmailed. Later, the APP was unable to log in, and she was found cheated.

   [Criminal technique] Step 1: drainage. Fraudsters publish information on promoting investment and wealth management such as stocks, foreign exchange, futures and virtual currency through various channels such as online social networking tools, short messages and web pages, or advertise on online platforms such as public accounts, microblogs, Tiaoyin, Kuaishou and Zhihu, claiming that there are internal information and investment channels to network targets, find victims and establish contacts.

Step 2: brainwash. After establishing contact, you can gain your initial trust by chatting about investment experience, getting people into "investment and wealth management" group chat, listening to "investment experts" and "wealth management instructors" live teaching and other ways to obtain insider information, obtain rich returns and other lies.

Step 3: Induction. After gaining trust, we will gradually induce you to log on to the fake website provided by him, scan the QR code to download his shared mobile APP, guide investment and financing operations, guide you to make preliminary small investment trials, obtain low margin, and then gain further trust, laying the groundwork for inducing you to continue to increase investment.

Step 4: Harvest. Continue to advocate "stable profit without loss" and "high return" to induce you to increase capital investment. When the false investment and financing account shows a large amount of profit, and you want to withdraw cash, the other party will ask for "unfreezing fee" and "security deposit" to complete the withdrawal with the reasons of "abnormal login", "abnormal server" and "frozen bank account". If you do not pay the amount, all the funds in the investment and financing account will be lost. By continuing to defraud you in this way, you will find that you have been blackmailed by the other party, and the investment and wealth management website and APP have been unable to log in.

   [Police tip] Remember, there will be no pie in the sky. Those who claim to have mastered various "investment skills", "insider information", "no loss" and "low cost and high return" are all swindlers! Don't trust and transfer money. In case of being cheated or encountering suspicious situations, please pay attention to saving the evidence, and call 110 for alarm or 96110 for consultation immediately.

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