S/N name Date of issue
one Is ergometrine a precursor chemical? September 20, 2024
two Our company is a transportation company. What are the regulations for carrying sulfuric acid? September 10, 2024
three Is Cannabinol Regulated Recently? August 20, 2024
four Our company purchased piperonal last year. Is it necessary to keep the standing book for 3 years for the inspection of the public security organ? August 10, 2024
five Which department is required for approval of importing γ - butyrolactone? July 20, 2024
six Is phenylacetone a precursor chemical? July 10, 2024
seven How long is the maximum validity period of the transport certificate for chloroform? June 20, 2024
eight Can individuals buy ephedrine? June 10, 2024
nine How long can a transport certificate be valid for the transport of precursor chemicals in Category II? May 20, 2024
ten Can individuals purchase o-aminobenzoic acid? May 10, 2024
eleven When others are entrusted to purchase Class I precursor chemicals in our company, what certification materials need to be checked? April 20, 2024
twelve Is 1-phenyl-2-bromo-1-acetone a precursor chemical? April 10, 2024
thirteen What certificates are required to apply for the transportation permit of precursor chemicals? March 20, 2024
fourteen What certificates need to be submitted to apply for purchasing Class I precursor chemicals? March 10, 2024
fifteen Our unit has used a small amount of piperonal, do you need to establish a standing book for future reference? February 20, 2024