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100000 yuan! Attention to those who want to see Jay Chou's concert in Fuzhou!

2024-05-13 10:40:06   Author:   Source: Fuzhou News Network    Editor in charge: Zhu Lin    Let me say something

Recently, many giant "Zhou students" have appeared on the streets of Fuzhou!

From May 16 to 19, the 2024 Jay Chou Carnival World Tour Fuzhou Concert will be held in the Straits Olympic Sports Center Stadium. In combination with Jay Chou's Fuzhou concert, the sponsor, together with "Cultural Creation of Zhou", planned the activity of "Traveling with Zhou", and put the cartoon image of "6m super large Zhou" in landmark blocks such as Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Shangxiahang, etc., attracting fans from all over the world to take pictures and punch cards in Fuzhou. There are many friends on the social platform who have made their own punching strategies:

This concert of Jay Chou in Fuzhou will have the largest number of performances and the largest number of fans watching. According to the organizer of the concert, during the concert next week, about 100000 fans will come to Fuzhou to listen to Jay Chou's concert. According to the current ticket buying information of fans, more than half of the ticket buyers are fans outside Fuzhou.

A city with mountains and rivers is a blessed state. Photographed by Lin Shuangwei

When fans from other places come to Fuzhou, they will not only watch Jay Chou's concert, but also walk around the streets and lanes of Fuzhou to experience the happiness and harmony brought by the culture of Fuzhou and feel the cultural charm of Fuzhou.

There are more than 1400 large-scale ecological parks, beaded parks, street parks, 156 crisscross rivers, hot springs with large water volume, high water temperature and good water quality, as well as rap stars, which taste delicious shrimp oil

Photographed by Jiang Wenjie

Photographed by Chen Nuan

The intimate little knitting is "out of town fans", and has prepared a Fuzhou card punching strategy! Let's get up in Rongcheng walk together!

Three lanes and seven alleys

Three lanes and seven alleys record "half of modern Chinese history", marking the struggle and hard work of Fuzhou people in past dynasties. Here, there are many famous "big men". Lin Zexu, the first person in the world to open his eyes, Shen Baozhen, the father of China's shipping administration, Yan Fu, the proponent of "survival of the fittest by natural selection", Lin Juemin, the revolutionary pioneer who wrote the Letter with Wife, and Bing Xin, the "century old man"

Three lanes and seven alleys. Photographed by Luo Nanjun

The big river and big sea are the big people. The land and water on one side nourish the happiness of people and cities. Holding an oil paper umbrella, I wander in the long rain lane. The three lanes and seven alleys instantly take you into the artistic conception of the poem. The historical and humanistic animation is slowly unfolding in the misty rain of the building.

Yantai Hill

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Fuzhou became one of the "five ports for trade", as can be seen from Yantai Mountain on the bank of the Minjiang River.

As a former foreign consulate area, foreign trade base and shipping center, so far there are a large number of foreign consulates, churches, foreign firms and other western-style buildings.

Chen Jing is fond of photographing in the historical area of Yantai Mountain

The beautiful Yantai Mountain is located on the south bank of the Minjiang River in Cangshan District. It has the scenery of "Cangshan Mountain with hazy clouds, high hills and low rivers".

Photographed by Lin Kaihang

After continuous development and transformation in recent years, Yantai Mountain has also become a popular fashion life circle, where history and modernity collide with each other.


Looking eastward from the urban area of Fuzhou, you can see a green mountain peak in front of you, where is the Guling, a cool and pleasant place with flourishing vegetation.

Guling. Photographed by Cheng Huiping

A hundred years ago, "foreigners" living in Fuzhou discovered it and gradually opened it up as a summer resort, leaving many stories about Chinese and foreign exchanges. Guling has therefore become one of the summer resorts in modern China.

Minjiang Estuary Wetland

Minjiang Estuary Wetland is located at the estuary of Minjiang River in the northeast of Changle District. It is composed of Eyu Beach, Batzhou, Daoqing Island, Tajiao Island and many other wetlands, with an area of more than 20000 hectares, including 2100 hectares of national nature reserves in the core area.

Photographed by Wang Jinping

The wetland is known as the "kidney of the earth". It is this coastal wetland with abundant water and grass that enables a rapidly developing provincial capital city to breathe freely.

Photographed by Chen Nuan

The Minjiang River Estuary Wetland is located on the migration route between East Asia and Australasia with the largest number of migratory birds. There are 313 species of birds observed, and 5 species of birds listed in the IUCN extreme danger level. The biodiversity is particularly rich.

Photographed by Chen Nuan

The charm of Rongcheng landscape and "Fujian Capital Culture" is endless. Come and experience it quickly!

Three lanes and seven alleys. Photographed by Wang Zhen

Fudao. Photographed by Chen Chengcai

It is worth mentioning that an information office for tourists from other places has been set up in the tourist service center of Fuzhou Changle Airport to facilitate guests coming to Rong.

Publicity materials such as "Fuzhou City Tourism Hand Painted Map" and "Fuzhou Tourism Route Guide Manual" were put in key areas such as star rated hotels and three lanes and seven alleys scenic spots in Fuzhou for local Rong fans.

During Jay Chou's concert, promotional videos of Fuzhou Culture and Tourism were added in the Straits Olympic Sports Center, Fuzhou Metro, Fuzhou Railway Station and other areas, so as to let everyone know more about Fuzhou.

Welcome to Fuzhou!

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