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Minhou Century old Brand Dingding Meat Floss Breaks a New Way of Development

2024-05-07 17:15:48   Author: Tan Xiangzhu   Source: Fuzhou Daily    Editor in charge: Zhang Yuanbiao    Let me say something

 Minhou Century old Brand Dingding Meat Floss Breaks a New Way of Development Workers seal the processed meat floss in a sterile environment. Photographed by correspondent Li Yuhan

"Just past the olive wind in the western suburbs, loquats are like old litchi reds. Cattle chowder is cooked in the rain at night in the small building, and meat floss is sold in the green curtain in the flower lane." This is the praise of the modern poet Shen Yiliu on Fuzhou's specialty meat floss (that is, meat floss). Many people may not know that the "birthplace" of Rousong is Fuzhou. It was Lin Zhenguang (also known as "Lin Dingding"), a Minhou man who invented meat floss. Now, Dingding Meat Floss, which has a history of more than 100 years, has found its own way between integrity and innovation, tradition and modernity, and is vigorously moving towards "new".

Gorgeous changes of small workshops in the past

The birth of meatloaf originated from an "over cooking".

During the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, Lin Dingding was the chef of Liu Buxi, the salt transport envoy in Fujian. Once, when he was cooking, he cooked the braised meat thoroughly, and the meat did not form. He simply boiled the brine dry, held an iron spoon in his hand, and pounded and turned it over in the pot. Gradually, a pot of golden yellow, fluffy things appeared in front of him. Because of his mistakes, Lin Dingding unintentionally created the meat floss, adding to the public's taste.

Soon, the reputation of "Lin Dingding Fleece" spread widely. In 1890, Lin Dingding quit his job as a cook and opened a meat floss workshop called "Ding Riyou" at the entrance of Guanglu Square Zaotai Alley. In 1915, the cashmere made by Lin Dingding won the gold medal in the Panama International Exposition. The famous naval general Sa Zhenbing once wrote in calligraphy that "the crispy meat velvet ranks first in Fujian, and Baoding is famous all over the world".

The world has changed. Today, the small workshops in the past have developed into modern enterprises, won the honors of famous trademarks of Fujian Province and Fuzhou City, the first batch of intangible cultural heritage of Fuzhou City, and become one of the representatives of Fuzhou food culture. "Dingding's meat floss production technology has a history of 100 years, and we hope to continue to inherit this technology in the new era," said Lin Jiahe, the provincial inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in Fujian and the fourth generation inheritor of Dingding's meat floss.

Interpreting excellence with action

In Lin Jiahe's opinion, the reason why time-honored brands can "perpetuate classics" is not only that they have existed for a long time, but also that the product quality has always been recognized by consumers. As the fourth generation inheritor of Dingding Meat Floss, Lin Jiahe has always adhered to the traditional process. From the selection of raw materials to the preparation of ingredients, every link is of high standards and strict requirements.

"We insist on selecting fresh pig hind leg meat, which is steamed after being cleaned after muscle picking, film removal and fat removal. Then, it is made with soy sauce, rock sugar, Fuzhou specialty red yeast and selected natural spices according to the ancestral process." Lin Jiahe introduced that a piece of good pork becomes meat floss, which will go through more than 10 processes. A slight mistake will affect the taste quality of meat floss.

While adhering to the traditional process, Dingding Meat Floss also continuously improves the product quality through high investment in technology and production facilities and equipment. "At the initial stage of the factory, the enterprise spent a huge amount of money to build a sterile packaging room and product storage room with cleanliness of 10000 and 100000 respectively, strictly control the material selection, hygiene and quality, and actively combine modern manufacturing processes for industrial production." Lin Jiahe said that the daily output of the workshop can reach 3 tons, greatly improving the production efficiency.

"Some time-honored brands gradually declined, because the later operators lost their ingenuity, the quality of their products was much lower than before, and they lost the heart of consumers." Lin Jiahe said that Dingding Rousong can be inherited for a hundred years, relying on the excellence of quality.

Looking for the "new" power of enterprises

"Old" is the feeling and advantage of every time-honored brand, and "new" is the inexhaustible power of enterprise development. After a hundred years of inheritance, how to keep the "old" while carrying forward the "new"? It is an examination question in front of Ding Ding Rou Song.

Enrich the traditional meat floss. "We have made great efforts in the research and development of new products, gradually developing new products such as low sugar pork floss, children's meat floss, seaweed meat floss, vegetable meat floss (spinach flavor), etc. according to different consumer needs, and at the same time launching a series of products such as pork jerky, pork strips, etc., to further improve the market coverage and share." said Li Huayun, the general director of Dingding (Fuzhou) Food Co., Ltd.

In addition to changing the taste, Dingding Meat Floss has also made new exploration in marketing means. "Online+offline two legs walk. Offline supply to Yonghui, Wal Mart, Sam, Metro and other chain supermarkets, while online actively develop an Internet sales platform." Li Huayun said.

Good market feedback has been continuously obtained from the "new" force. The output value of Dingding (Fuzhou) Food Co., Ltd. will reach 80 million yuan in 2023. The "Fuzhou flavor" in many people's childhood memories will be sold to thousands of families as the meat floss is sold throughout the country. (Reporter Tan Xiangzhu Correspondent Li Yuhan Huang Wenbin)

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