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Look! Jin'an volunteer red, escort the Spring Festival!

2024-01-31 09:36:41 Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Chen Qiaoling    Author:
In order to study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and transform the effectiveness of theme education into an endogenous driving force for implementation and practice, from January 25 to March 5, during the Spring Festival, a volunteer service activity for the 2024 Spring Festival was held in Fuzhou Railway Station, which came from the "First Station in Fujian" The volunteers turned into the most beautiful red in the cold wind and used the "Five Blessings" to escort the passengers.

On January 31, Southeast Network (reporter Zhu Lin) In order to learn and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and transform the effectiveness of the theme education into an endogenous force to focus on implementation and promote practice, from January 25 to March 5, during the Spring Festival, a volunteer service activity for the 2024 Spring Festival was held in Fuzhou Railway Station, Volunteers from the "First Station in Bamin" turned into the most beautiful red in the cold wind, and used the "Five Blessings" to escort passengers.

A cup of fortune tea can dispel the chill

Deliver a cup of hot tea to waiting passengers Picture provided by Organization Department of Jin'an District Party Committee

"It's cold, let's have a cup of tea to warm up." Outside the South Square of Fuzhou Railway Station, volunteers from Chayuan Street in Jin'an District and the joint construction of the party building of "the first station in Bamin" prepared boiled water and tea early to deliver a cup of steaming tea to passengers waiting in the cold wind to dispel cold and fatigue. The temperature in Fuzhou is changeable in January. At the beginning of the Spring Festival, it is even more cold and rainy. A cup of blessing tea can not only warm the body but also warm the heart. This dense fragrance of tea can bring happiness to the tourists on their way home. Student Party members from the Benedictive Party Branch of the School of Teacher Education of Fujian Normal University expressed that, "In the process of volunteer service, when seeing the passengers coming and going in and out of the station, some brought local specialties, and some brought New Year's goods for their families, everyone was smiling and very happy, and it was a special honor to provide them with some help within their power on their journey home."

A blessing word warms the heart

volunteer Help passengers carry luggage. Picture provided by Organization Department of Jin'an District Party Committee

"Hello, let's help you with your luggage." Yu Jianming, the leader of the volunteer service team of Fujian Dawn Rescue Center, and the volunteers of the "first stop in Bamin" took the initiative to "hold hands" after seeing the passengers carrying large bags and small bags, to help carry your luggage, and escorted them all the way to the boarding place before leaving. "This year, I brought many local specialties of Fuzhou to the villagers when I went home. When I left the subway, they not only helped me carry my luggage, but also helped me confirm the travel time. I felt warm when I entered the station and passed the security check." Mr. Cao, who was preparing to return home, said. "I wish you a safe and auspicious journey." Volunteers use warm wishes and thoughtful services to illuminate every passenger's way home.

A couple of Fu Lian sent a beautiful message

Many calligraphers wrote Spring Festival couplets for tourists. Picture provided by Organization Department of Jin'an District Party Committee

"I didn't expect to receive the word" Fu "at the railway station to bring happiness home. It's very meaningful. Fuzhou is so warm!" On the first day of the Spring Festival, Mr. Chen, a passenger who received the word "Fu", was full of joy. The red lanterns and bodiless lacquerware and red vases add a strong flavor of Spring Festival outside the "First Station of Bamin" directly opposite the exit of Fuzhou Railway Station. During the visit, many calligraphers from the Jin'an District Calligraphy Association wrote Spring Festival couplets for tourists. The calligraphy was fragrant and red paper was flying. A pair of couplets with full charm, and a number of Fu character stickers with different looks convey the good wishes of the party and the government to the "Rongcheng builders". A migrant worker said, "Bring home the Spring Festival couplets, peace and happiness, and hope that the Year of the Dragon will continue to grow."

A blessing bag for peace

by Returned migrant workers prepare "Heart warming Blessing Bag". Picture provided by Organization Department of Jin'an District Party Committee

Returning migrant workers are the main part of the Spring Festival travel. They often travel far and have simple luggage, just to save more money for the elderly and children at home. In order to let them truly feel the care of the party and the government, the Party Working Committee of Chayuan Street, Jin'an District specially prepared a "warm heart blessing bag" for returning migrant workers who took K, Z, T trains, and gave them free bread, instant noodles, Spring Festival couplets and other love gifts, so that they would be at home in advance if they opened the blessing bag on their way home. "I received the blessing bag for the New Year in Fuzhou before the New Year, which is a good moral. I like it!" On January 27, Mr. Zhou, who has not returned home for two years, took the blessing bag given by volunteers to warm his heart on the road.

A blessed heart protects the way home

Carry out various voluntary services in crowded places. Picture provided by Organization Department of Jin'an District Party Committee

Volunteer service for Spring Festival travel has been carried out for five consecutive years as the characteristic service of the public service platform of "the first station in Fujian". During the Spring Festival travel every year, under the initiative and organization of the local street community and the joint meeting of the party building of "the first station in Bamin", the vast number of volunteers precisely "take up their posts", carry out various voluntary services at the entrance and exit of the railway station, the waiting hall and other crowded places, and guard the vast number of passengers to return home with "a happy heart".