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The leaders of the High tech Zone led a team to the front line to carry out the inspection of the No.5 typhoon "Dussuri"

2023-07-27 16:39:15   Author: Lin En, Li Yihong, Chen Qiuwei, Peng Jihong   Source: High tech Fuzhou    Editor in charge: Lin Xuewu    Let me say something

On July 26, Wei Bangzhong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Fuzhou High tech Zone, led the team to carry out on-site inspection on the prevention of No. 5 typhoon "Dussuri", and firmly built the safety wall for flood and typhoon prevention.


At the waterlogging prone points in the low-lying area of Guanzhou Village, the K2 bridge blocking point in Nanqi Village, and the waterlogging prone points around Fuyao University of Science and Technology - Wisdom Avenue, the inspection team carefully listened to the introduction of the relevant responsible person, and understood in detail the emergency planning plan, water system dispatching, equipment reserves, personnel deployment, etc. of each point, and further deployed the flood and typhoon prevention work in combination with the actual situation.

The inspection team pointed out that it is necessary to prepare a mobile plan for typhoon prevention, do a good job in site facilities and overhead tower cranes to prevent falling, and ensure that all kinds of engineering equipment are ready to respond to emergencies; It is necessary to strengthen publicity related to typhoon prevention, mobilize the masses to learn knowledge about emergency escape, prevention and risk avoidance through WeChat groups, bulletin boards, climate dynamic release and other publicity methods, and improve the safety assurance awareness of the residents on typhoon prevention and waterlogging prevention.


At the reserve point of the emergency warehouse in the High tech Zone, the inspection team had a detailed understanding of the material reserves, allocation procedures, personnel allocation, emergency command connection and other work. The research team stressed that it is necessary to ensure that emergency supplies are fully prepared, refine and improve the emergency plan, carry out targeted and practical emergency drills, and effectively improve the ability of flood control and rescue.


After understanding the work of the command and dispatching platform for joint drainage and debugging of the district water system, the inspection team said that the joint drainage and debugging center should pay attention to the rain and water situation in real time, launch early warning response in time, and conduct precise joint drainage, so as to provide strong support for typhoon prevention and waterlogging prevention.

District leaders Lin Xiang, Chen Hong, Wei Zhimou, Village and Town Offices, and heads of relevant functional departments directly under the District Government attended.

On the afternoon of 26th, Fan Xue, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the High tech Zone, led a team to carry out on-site inspection on the defense of No. 5 typhoon "Dussuri".


The inspection team successively came to the low-lying area of Zhongxi Village, the low-lying area of Nanxi Natural Village, the blocking point of Liangyuan South Jingxi Project, and the Jiangkou Water Smelting Project of Tongnanxi Project, inspected the flood control situation on the spot, communicated deeply with the relevant responsible persons, and understood the project construction plan and promotion plan in detail.

The inspection team said that it is necessary to do a good job in drainage, sort out the water accumulation points within the jurisdiction again, identify the patrol responsible person of each point, go to the responsible point immediately in case of rain, find out the low-lying areas, determine the drainage path, get through the blocking points of all parties, make enclosure preparation in advance, and carefully deploy prevention.

It is necessary to tamp the flood control plan, enrich the flood control materials, do a good job in material distribution and reserve, emergency team personnel reserve, disaster avoidance point construction and other work, and make emergency preparations; All departments should coordinate the national comprehensive fire rescue team, various professional rescue forces and social rescue forces; All villages and towns shall be well equipped with disaster avoidance points, and personnel and paralyzed elderly shall be properly arranged to deal with sudden disasters and dangerous situations at any time.


Nanyu Town, Village and Town Offices, relevant functional departments directly under the district, and relevant principals of Xinnan Company attended.

On the afternoon of 26th, Guo Xiaohua, member of the District Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Administrative Committee, led a team to Zilu Nursing Home, Nanqi Village Health Center, Qishan Middle School and the District No. 2 Experimental Primary School to inspect the work of flood prevention and typhoon prevention, learn in detail about the implementation of flood prevention responsibilities, material reserves, personnel on duty, emergency rescue and other defense work of the departments in charge, and put forward relevant requirements for flood prevention and typhoon prevention.

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