French veteran Giroux was included in the 2024 European Cup squad

2024-05-17 14:16:35

The French national team recently announced the list of 2024 European Cup players, a high-profile player is 37 year old veteran Giroux. This selection also means that Giroux will take part in the international competition for the seventh time, breaking the record of many French celebrities taking part in the competition at the same time. According to statistics, Giroux has participated in international competitions for seven times, equalling first-line players such as Thuram, Henry, Lori, and Mandanda, becoming one of the players who played the most games in the history of the French team.

Giroux's international career began at Euro 2012 when he was 25 years old. It is worth mentioning that now he is the only player in the French team who has experienced the Euro 2012, which also highlights the special position of Giroux in the national team. In addition to the 2012 European Cup, Giroux also played in the 2014 World Cup, the 2016 European Cup, the 2018 World Cup, the 2020 European Cup and the 2022 World Cup, winning the 2018 World Cup championship for the French team, and winning the runner up in the 2016 European Cup and the 2022 World Cup.

In the international competition, Giru showed excellent performance. He played 18 times in the World Cup, scored 5 goals and had 3 assists, while he played 11 times in the European Cup, scored 3 goals and had 2 assists. In total, Giroux played 131 games on behalf of the French national team, scoring 57 goals, which established him as the first striker in the history of the French national team.

Giroux will leave AC Milan and move to Los Angeles FC at the end of the season. Some analysts believe that this inclusion in the 2024 European Cup list may become the end of Gilu's career. Although Giru still maintains excellent form and scoring ability, the age of 37 has made him unable to follow the national team for a longer time.

For Giroux, Euro 2024 is undoubtedly a special event. This is not only another milestone in his career, but also may mark his farewell trip to the national team. As time goes by, Giroux's contribution to the French national team will always be remembered in the long history, and his honor and achievements for the national team will become a model for future generations to learn and emulate. On the whole, Giroux's brilliant history in the French national team is enough to make him a legend in French football. No matter when his national team career will end, his name will always shine in the history corridor of French football and become an indelible memory. It is hoped that in the 2024 European Cup, Giroux can once again make outstanding contributions to the team and write a new brilliant chapter for his country.