Prospect Analysis of Children's Wear Industry

2019-08-12 17:09:25   Source: China Franchise Network   956 people participated
  • Business scope: baby clothes and supplies
  • Number of stores: 50
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Size of maternal and infant industries

two thousand and seventeen Year on year two thousand and twelve Annual scale growth 106.3% , the market size has increased thirteen thousand three hundred and fifty-four Billion. The scale of the whole maternal and infant industry has reached twenty-five thousand nine hundred and nineteen Billion. CAGR( Annual compound average growth rate ) Up to 15.6% two thousand and sixteen The policy of opening up the second child in, consumption upgrading, brand penetration and the blessing of Internet e-commerce enabled the mother and baby industry to re-enter the blue ocean. estimate two thousand and twenty The market scale of the maternal and infant industry will reach three trillions.

Proportion of maternal and infant clothing industry

From the perspective of annual compound growth rate of the industry ,2012 Year to two thousand and seventeen The compound annual growth rate of the infant and child industry in 10.9% , higher than that of the clothing industry 6.1% , which is also higher than other clothing segments: sports, women's clothing, men's clothing. along with eighty After, ninety With the arrival of the fourth wave of children, it is expected that the annual compound growth rate of the clothing industry for mothers and babies will reach 12.4% It can be seen that the existing maternal and infant clothing industry is still immature, and the market potential in the future is very huge.

Brand awareness is becoming more important

At present, the market share of the top ten brands is only 11% Far less than others. This shows that the domestic branding is still relatively low, which means that the market cannot strictly control the quality of mother and baby products. In the next few years, the maternal and infant industry will certainly move towards branding, and the share of the high-end market will gradually increase. Now people's consumption is constantly upgrading, not only pursuing price advantages, but also paying more attention to the pursuit of style and the premium value of branding. Brand word-of-mouth is also a key consideration when purchasing mother, baby and child products. Qualified brand word-of-mouth represents consumers' recognition of brands and commodities. Of course, the quality of products is the basis of branding.

label: Joined in 5 yuan children's clothing 9 yuan children's clothing franchise store 9 yuan children's clothing wholesale List of 9 yuan children's clothing franchise stores
 Brother Ming makes clothes
  • one thousand one hundred and seventy people Pay attention to clothing
  • twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-two people Consulting clothing

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