How does Fan Kexin brand women's wear join in

2024-03-18 17:19:24   Source: China Franchise Network   253 people participated
  • Business Scope: Women's Wear
  • Number of stores: 88
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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With the continuous improvement of people's economic level, when they buy clothes in life, they usually choose clothing brands with greater influence, especially women groups, who have high requirements for the design and modeling of clothing. Fan Kexin brand women's clothing can meet everyone's pursuit of quality. Now let's know how Fan Kexin brand women's clothing joined?

 Fan Kexin brand women's clothing joined

Entrepreneurs need to have a preliminary understanding of the development trend and prospects of the fashion women's wear industry, and grasp the basic market conditions, which is more conducive to making correct business decisions in the future. Secondly, it is necessary to go to the headquarters of the company to carry out a detailed investigation in order to obtain intuitive franchise information and materials. If interested, both parties sign a franchise agreement and pay the relevant franchise fees as agreed. Then, the brand dealer arranged professional store staff to assist the franchisee in carrying out a series of preparatory work. The preparatory work was ready, and the store opened on a suitable day.

The brand is mainly aimed at female friends aged 18-38. Whether they are young girls or mature and elegant strong women, they can choose their favorite clothing series in the store. Because the clothing style is novel, it quickly became popular in the market. Franchise stores are all over Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Anhui and other places.

The company has a complete set of functional departments, which not only covers the basic operation department, publicity department, finance department, marketing department, research and development department, service department, personnel department and other institutions, but also has established a special buyer department to attract fashion professionals in the industry, and obtain the current fashion trend through market research, sampling, and visiting, And form data to provide to the R&D and design department of the company, experienced designers, to launch personalized and diversified clothing series to the market, either Coco Love, or simple and capable, or mature and stable.

 Women's wear of Fan Kexin brand

How to join the women's wear brand of Van Kexin? After understanding the content of the joining process, do not ignore the provisions of the joining conditions, because only those who meet the requirements of the joining conditions are qualified to carry out subsequent joining work. For information and materials about joining, you can directly consult the brand dealer, or ask the customer service personnel for them through online messages.

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  • one thousand and sixty-nine people Pay attention to clothing
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