How much is the franchise fee of Li Ning franchise store

2016-06-01 12:48:21   Source: China Franchise Network   15296 people participated
  • Scope of business: sportswear
  • Number of stores: 300
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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As we all know, Li Ning Store was founded by Mr. Li Ning, the prince of gymnastics. After 26 years of development, it has become a famous sports shoe brand. Li Ning sports shoes, with novel design, are very comfortable to wear on the feet and have been widely recognized by consumers. Many smart candidates like this brand, want to join, want to know Join in the exclusive store of Li Ning How much is it?
 Li Ning Store
   How much is the franchise fee of Li Ning franchise store?

To open a Li Ning franchise store, an initial investment of 100000 to 200000 yuan is required, and the franchise fee is only 10000 yuan, and a certain amount of increase/increase is required to be paid. After the contract ends, the increase/increase will be fully returned to the franchisee. If the smart candidate still intends to continue to cooperate after the contract expires, the smart candidate will also pay the franchise fee, increase/increase and brand management fee again. As for the specific cost, it depends on the size of the store and the way of joining, but the price difference will not be too big.

   What is the joining process of Li Ning franchise store?

1. Consultation on smart choice: smart choice can visit the investment website of Li Ning franchise store and get in touch with the headquarters to understand the information required for joining.

2. Field investigation: The smart candidates went to the headquarters of the Li Ning franchise store for field investigation, communicated with the headquarters staff, and had an in-depth understanding of the projects they wanted to join.

3. Qualification review: the headquarters will review the franchise qualification of smart candidates.

4. Signing the contract: After both parties reach an agreement, the franchise contract will be formally signed.

5. Payment of fees: The smart choice will pay the relevant fees to the headquarters of the Li Ning franchise store.

6. Headquarters training: the headquarters will provide comprehensive and systematic technical training to the smart selectors and all employees of franchise stores.

7. Store decoration: The headquarters provides the franchisee with a unified decoration design scheme.

8. After sales service: After opening, the headquarters will continue to pay attention to the operation of the franchise stores, and will give corresponding guidance and assistance.

How much is the franchise fee of Li Ning franchise store? Only ten thousand yuan. The exclusive store of Li Ning not only provides clothing and equipment for sports teams, but also has signed strategic cooperation agreements with many international organizations, which has been highly recognized by global sports teams. The brand of Li Ning is well-known at home and abroad, and its competitiveness cannot be ignored. Let's go hand in hand with Li Ning Company to create a brilliant life!
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