Clothing is different with "pride". Can the original market survive to a certain extent?

2010-08-31 16:49:00   Source: China Franchise Network   950 people participated
  • Business Scope: Clothing
  • Number of stores: 787
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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When it comes to clothing, what exactly is "aloof"? It is different from the general clothes. It is very unique, and it means a little too high. Original clothing has some sales on the Internet and in entities. Good original brands can also open chains and do wholesale. The original clothes are still a little "aloof". Now let's follow the small editors of the global franchise network to see what is worth being proud of in original clothing?

The production of original clothing is also proud. Because it is a small batch production, one by one, and some are handmade, the quantity of products and the speed of single shipment is a problem. Many people need to submit their own sizes first, and then wait for the clothes to come out, even some places need to be modified. Compared with the mechanized process, this production mode is more clumsy, but because of the small amount of clothing, it is also highly sought after by people who pursue personality.

The selling point of original clothing is also proud: the design should be unique and the style should be updated quickly. Designers can't cope without a flexible and inspirational mind. Unlike the popular clothing styles of some clothing franchise stores, the homogeneous store design is more attractive.

Many original costume designs are also proud. Making money at the beginning is not their goal, but just a way of life and a mood they choose. Look at the arrogant attitude towards life.

However, under the market-oriented operation package, the scale of the original clothing franchise industry is expanding day by day. At the beginning, it only wanted to earn a little money, rather than find the original market space. I wonder if the pride of original clothes can persist? It remains to be seen.

label: Children's clothes Clothing brand store joining Summer clothing wholesale Hangzhou Clothing Franchise
 Brother Ming makes clothes
  • six hundred and eighteen people Pay attention to clothing
  • twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-two people Consulting clothing

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