What are the conditions for Baiyi Baishun Clothing to join? How about 100 clothes and 100 shun clothes?

2014-12-15 12:53:57   Source: China Franchise Network   25876 people participated
  • Scope of business: clothing, accessories, hanging accessories; overcoat; loose coat; Xiaoxi
  • Number of stores: 39
  • Single store investment:
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Baiyi Baishun is a brand new clothing brand launched by Hailan Group last year. It builds its core competitiveness by means of large-scale men's clothing monopoly, one-stop shopping marketing, unique store design, easy shopping environment and complete series of products. With the successful experience of Zhilan Home, its development has become easier, and many smart candidates have seen a bright future. Many people want to know Bai Yi Bai Shun Garment Franchise What are the conditions of? Further more, I want to know how about Baishun Clothing? Then I will give you a detailed introduction.

 All clothes are smooth

Conditions for joining Baiyi Baishun Clothing

1. The smart candidates must be citizens or legal persons with legal business qualifications.

2. Wise candidates should have qualified reputation and professional ethics, and have good local connections.

3. Recognize the business philosophy of the enterprise, and aspire to improve the brand value of products.

4. He has the enthusiasm for business and the firm perseverance to continue to choose wisdom.

5. Have certain experience and predictive ability in the industry, can understand the market development trend, and have the courage to undertake business.

6. Have certain financial capacity.

7. The location of the store must be in the capital city or municipality directly under the Central Government of the country, as well as the prosperous business district in a class of economically developed cities. The business area of the store must reach 1500-3000 square meters.

How about 100 clothes and 100 shun clothes

Like Hailan Home, Baiyi Baishun is characterized by a wide range of varieties, types, styles and price evaluation. Now it has become the first shot in chain operation and a retail market for the public. The future goal is to build a large clothing chain brand in China.

In the Baishun franchised store, there are all kinds of clothes. From winter down jackets to summer T-shirts, adult men's clothes are available at very attractive prices. Suits and down jackets are within 200 yuan, which is the price most consumers are willing to accept.

Baiyi Baishun has abandoned the tradition of high quality and high price of traditional men's clothing. The products are sold directly from the factory to the exclusive stores, eliminating the middle link and giving consumers a large margin of profit. At the same time, the stores are large and there are many products, allowing consumers to have more choices and buy more inexpensive men's clothing.

In the above introduction, we have learned about the conditions and several characteristics of Baiyi Baishun Garments' joining. It should be said that this business model of Baiyi Baishun is relatively advanced in China at present, especially for the characteristics of male consumers' purchasing on demand, giving them more choices can make them easier to buy the clothes they want, so their sales performance is naturally excellent, As a franchisee, the prospect of joining is certainly worth looking forward to.

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  • one thousand and ninety-one people Pay attention to clothing
  • twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-two people Consulting clothing

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