How much is the joining cost of sock processing factory

2016-09-09 10:09:42   Source: China Franchise Network   30149 people participated
  • Scope: Work clothes; Nurse Uniform; Beauty salon clothing; doctor's overall;
  • Number of stores: 86
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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I believe that one thing that everyone cannot lack in life is socks. The sales of socks in life are relatively high. Some people who want to start a business want to open a sock factory. However, some entrepreneurs may not have much capital in their hands, so before opening a sock factory, they will consider how much it costs to join the sock factory. Because if entrepreneurs do not have much capital to join in, they may give up the idea if the cost of joining in a sock factory is too high.

The following is a simple answer to the question of how much the franchise cost of a sock factory is. In fact, if you want to open a sock factory, its franchise cost does not need to be high, but only needs 10000 to 50000 yuan. The specific cost depends on the specific situation. Because the development speed of the city or the geographical location of the store will affect the franchise cost. So if you want to open a sock factory, the entrepreneur should think about these problems before making a decision.

If a sock factory is opened in a city with good development, its franchise costs will be much higher than those in cities with slightly slower development speed, including decoration and store rental costs. Even in different areas of the same city, the franchise costs are different. Many factors will affect the answer to the question of how much the franchise costs of sock manufacturers are. If the franchisee has more funds, it can open a larger sock factory. Of course, the benefits will be better if the scale is larger.

In fact, if the franchisee wants to open a sock factory, in addition to the question of how much it costs to join the sock factory, it should also consider some advantages and specific processes of the sock factory. These information are very important for the franchisee. If you want to know these information, the franchisee should log on the global franchise website to check, and there will be very detailed instructions on these issues. After seeing these information, the franchisee can decide whether to open a sock factory.

label: Factory joining Franchise factory Joined in by the processing plant Joined in by small processing plants
 Brother Ming makes clothes
  • one thousand and ninety-one people Pay attention to clothing
  • twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-two people Consulting clothing

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