9795 people in Fuyang won the National Award for Voluntary Blood Donation

Yingzhou Evening News On June 14, the 20th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day, the slogan of the activity was "Thank you, blood donors!" In order to encourage more people to participate in unpaid blood donation and promote the implementation of blood safety planning, the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Youth League Committee and the Municipal Red Cross Society jointly held a theme publicity activity in the central blood station.

450 people in Fuyang participated in voluntary blood donation

In the early morning of the same day, many volunteers gathered in the hospital of the central blood station to participate in free blood donation activities. In the blood donation room, 60 year old Zou Duoyu is donating platelets.

Zou Duoyu lives near Qianbaiyi, Fucheng. By chance, he saw a mobile blood collection vehicle parked nearby and walked up. In 2001, when he learned that a pregnant woman was in urgent need of platelets, he immediately rushed to the blood station in the city center to donate. After learning that the interval of platelet donation is shorter and he can help others more frequently, he changed from whole blood donation to platelet donation and insisted on it for more than 20 years. During this period, Zou Duoyu won the National Voluntary Blood Donation Award twice, with 117 blood donations recorded. Although it is about to reach the maximum age for blood donation set by the state, Zou Duoyu said, "I will continue to donate blood until the last time."

On the same day, all medical and health institutions in the city also carried out free blood donation knowledge publicity activities. Yingshang, Taihe, Linquan three sub stations and all blood donation points in the city also carried out a series of activities of World Blood Donor Day. A total of 450 people in the city participated in voluntary blood donation.

Two individuals and one group won the provincial commendation

In order to commend unpaid blood donation, on the morning of June 12, eight departments, including the Provincial Health Commission and the Provincial Working Committee, carried out the theme publicity activity of World Blood Donor Day. At the activity site, 20 annual free blood donation stars in Anhui Province, 41 advanced individuals in colleges and universities and 21 advanced collectives in free blood donation were commended. Our city's Wang Li won the 2024 Anhui Province Free Blood Donation Star Award, Wang Sibo won the Advanced Individual Award for Free Blood Donation of College Students in Anhui Province, and the People's Government of Chahua Town, Yingdong District won the Advanced Collective Award for Free Blood Donation in Anhui Province.

Nearly 10000 people won the National Award for Voluntary Blood Donation

Voluntary blood donors planted the seeds of love when they first tried to donate blood to help others. As time went by, they continued to participate in blood donation activities, bringing hope to life.

The National Health Commission, the Red Cross Society of China and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission jointly assess the award for voluntary blood donation every two years in order to reward many voluntary blood donors for their loving behavior. Awards: Bronze Award (for those who have donated blood more than 20 times), Silver Award (for those who have donated blood more than 30 times), Gold Award (for those who have donated blood more than 40 times).

In Fuyang, 9795 people have won the gold, silver, bronze and lifelong honor awards of the National Voluntary Blood Donation Award. Among the number of applicants from 2022 to 2023, 1053 won gold awards, 1337 won silver awards, 3072 won bronze awards, and 75 won lifetime honor awards. Thanks to the support of many unpaid blood donors, the number of people who donate blood and the amount of blood taken in our city have increased for many years in a row. In 2023, the amount of blood donated in the city will reach 108000 units, an increase of 10.37% over 2022, which is a record high since the establishment of the central blood station.

(Full media reporter Duan Huamei/Wen Wangbiao/photo)

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Keywords>>Blood donation, blood station, unpaid blood donation, blood donor, 20