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Introduction to Fuxin

In the northwest of Liaoning, there is a beautiful and rich city - Fuxin. Located between 121 ° 1 '- 122 ° 56' east longitude and 41 ° 41 '- 42 ° 56' north latitude, it is a new industrial city. It is adjacent to Shenyang, the provincial capital in the east, Liaodong Bay in the Bohai Sea in the south, facing Dalian Port in the north and south, and Jinzhou Port and Beijing Tianjin Area in the west. The continental monsoon climate of the north temperate zone offshore makes it sunny, rainy and hot in the same season, with four distinct seasons and pleasant summer and cold weather.  
With a total area of 10355 square kilometers, it has jurisdiction over two counties and five districts. Of the 1.93 million people, the urban population is 780000.  

Long history and culture

Fuxin, taking the meaning of "abundant resources and new people", was established as a county in 1903 and a city in 1940. She has a long history and primitive civilization. As early as 7600 years ago, human beings lived and multiplied here. Because of the excavation of "the world's first jade" and "the first dragon in Huaxia", it was praised as the "hometown of jade dragons" by the archaeologists at home and abroad. The Chahai Ancient Human Site, located in China, is known as the "first village in China". Mr. Su Bingqi, a famous Chinese archaeologist and the late director of the Archaeological Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, wrote the words for the Chahai cultural site: "Yulong's hometown, the beginning of civilization".  
Fuxin is also the oriental transmission center of Tibetan Buddhism. Ruiying Temple, inscribed with a plaque by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, belongs to the architectural style of Tibetan temples and is listed as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit for its majesty and scale. Most of the abbots and some lamas of the Lama Temple in Beijing come from the Ruiying Temple. The "Bamen Zhacang" of the Ruiying Temple has trained a large number of talents for the development of Mongolian medicine. The cliff sculptures on Haitang Mountain, where the site of Pu'an Temple is located, are the only national treasure preserved in the eastern center of Tibetan Buddhism. At present, there are 267 well preserved statues of Buddha. The statues with different shapes are a combination of history, art and appreciation values. They can be called wonders of the world, and are well preserved relief plastic arts treasures in China. The newly excavated Guanshan Liao tombs in the territory are typical representatives of aristocratic tombs in the middle and late Liao Dynasty, and are the only ones found in the country. The murals unearthed in the tombs comprehensively reflect the social life of the Liao Dynasty in an encyclopedic manner, and are of high archaeological value. In addition, many cultural sites, such as Yanshan City during the Warring States Period, the hometown of Zhang Sanfeng, founder of Wudang Taoism, and Qianfo Mountain, constitute the unique landscape of Fuxin.  

Proud modern brilliance

After creating ancient civilization, Fuxin people have created modern brilliance. During the "First Five Year Plan" period, there were 156 key construction projects, including 4 in Fuxin. Haizhou Open pit Coal Mine is the first modern open pit coal mine in China. Fuxin Mining Area is one of the four major mining areas in China. Fuxin Power Plant was once the largest thermal power plant in Asia, making Fuxin a "city of coal power". In the 53 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has produced more than 530 million tons of coal and generated more than 150 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, making great contributions to the young republic. The development of Fuxin has been concerned by the leaders of the Party and the state.  
Comrade Mao Zedong personally sent a telegram of Jiamian to Fuxin. Comrade Zhu De visited Fuxin twice, Comrade Hu Yaobang and Comrade Zhu Rongji visited Fuxin first, and Comrade Li Peng was the director of Fuxin Power Plant in the 1960s.  
Jiang Zemin visited the booth of Fuxin Mining Bureau at the "Forty Years of Chinese Industry" exhibition.  
Fuxin has a strong scientific and technological force. Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology is a national key comprehensive university with 12 departments and 58 majors, and has 4 ministerial key laboratories. It is a doctoral and master awarding unit with strong teaching and scientific research strength. Liaoning Fuxin National Agricultural Science and Technology Park, which takes "green" as the brand and science and technology as the guide, is one of the first 21 national agricultural parks in China. Fuxin has many talents in science, technology, culture and sports all over the country. Fuxin is also the "hometown of walking unexpectedly" and the first batch of basketball cities in China.  
Fuxin has outstanding advantages in agricultural resources. It is one of the grain and animal husbandry production bases in Liaoning and the whole country. The per capita arable land in rural areas is 5.6 mu, and the per capita production of grain, cattle and sheep ranks first in the province.  
In line with the principle of simultaneous construction of economy, city and environment, Fuxin carries out urban construction, with flat streets, rainbow like long bridges, spacious squares, beautiful residential areas, green lands, trees, flowers, parks, and sports venues planned and laid out in a reasonable and pleasing way.  
Fuxin is a national advanced city for greening, a pilot city for forest city construction, and a key area for windbreak and sand fixation afforestation. Zhanggutai Sand Fixing and Afforestation Ecological Nature Reserve has blocked the wind and sand invading to the south and created a miracle for mankind. In Fuxin, "the city is neutral in the forest, and people walk in the trees." The sky is blue, the water is clear, and the air is fresh. It is precisely "the city adds new people, and people live longer. It is more magnificent to continue the following chapter."

Superior investment environment

Fuxin is located in the center of Northeast China and Bohai Rim, and is adjacent to the golden coast of Bohai Rim. The economic development has a strong complementary relationship with Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian, Jinzhou, etc. in this region. Fuxin's economy not only takes these regions as vast markets, but also takes these cities as windows to move towards domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, as Fuxin is rich in mineral resources, agricultural and sideline products, it is also an important partner for these places to rely on and develop. Fuxin's economic development can also radiate Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and other provinces and regions, and participate in border trade in Northeast Asia. With the accelerated development of the Bohai Rim region, the accelerated development of the export-oriented economy in western Liaoning and the opportunity of the western development, Fuxin has created a good "geographical advantage" for investors.  
Fuxin enjoys unique advantages in power supply, heat supply, water supply and gas supply, with sufficient energy and new water source development. It provides full-time water supply throughout the year. Fuxin has smooth traffic, and the railway line can directly reach Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian, and all parts of the country. The high-grade highway is 170 kilometers to Shenyang, the provincial capital, and 148 kilometers to Jinzhou Port. From Fuxin to Beijing, there are all expressways. It only takes 5 hours to get from Fuxin to Beijing. It only takes 50 minutes to reach the estuary, making Fuxin a truly coastal city. Fuyang Shenyang Expressway will be completed during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, which will further shorten the distance with cities in central Liaoning. Shenyang Taoxian Airport has created a convenient air passage for Fuxin. You can travel by sea through Dalian, Jinzhou and Yingkou Port.
The vast area of Fuxin is rich in coal, gold, silica sand, peat, marble, limestone, maifan stone, agate stone, coalbed methane, geothermal, oil shale, oil and other resources. Paishanlou Gold Mine in the territory is a first-class large-scale modern gold mine in China. The completed Shijiazi Agate Market and Fuxin Agate Boutique City attract many domestic and foreign tourists and jewelry merchants. After half a century of development, Fuxin has become a new industrial city integrating electronics, chemical industry, food, textile, building materials, machinery, light industry, medicine and other industries. Fuxin Economic and Technological Development Zone and National High tech Agricultural Park have taken shape, providing a huge carrier for Fuxin's cooperation with domestic and foreign countries. Wide land, grassland, sufficient food and developed animal husbandry are favorable conditions for cooperation.
Fuxin has a good foundation for opening up, and a number of backbone enterprises and key products have formed advantages. The products are exported to more than 40 countries and regions. Investors in Fuxin have received good returns.

Magnificent development goals

In 2001, Fuxin won a significant historical development opportunity. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to Fuxin's economic transformation. Premier Zhu Rongji, Vice Premier Li Lanqing, Wu Bangguo and Wen Jiabao have made important instructions on Fuxin's work. Vice Premier Li Lanqing presided over three special office meetings of the State Council to study the economic transformation of Fuxin. The State Council has decided to pilot the economic transformation of resource-based cities in Fuxin to explore a way of economic transformation of resource-based cities in line with China's national conditions. From February 28 to March 1, 2002, Vice Premier Li Lanqing paid a special visit to Fuxin and gave important instructions on Fuxin's economic transformation.
According to the instructions of Vice Premier Lan Qing, the focus and direction of the city's economic transformation were determined to be the development of the primary and tertiary industries, adhere to the road of modern agriculture, vigorously develop the modern circulation industry, adjust and optimize the secondary industry, and gradually form a coordinated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, an industrial structure that can adapt to market changes, and realize Fuxin's second venture.
Facing the new century, Fuxin people have a profound understanding of "their own career must ultimately be created by themselves". At present, according to the deployment of the State Council, the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and the Liaoning Provincial People's Government, the Fuxin Municipal Party Committee and the Fuxin Municipal People's Government are leading the city's people to emancipate their minds, update their concepts, self-reliance and hard work, carry forward the Fuxin spirit of "walking on the ground and striving forward", and seek unconventional and leapfrog development with a more open attitude, Build Fuxin into a model city for economic transformation and a modern city with developed economy.
Fuxin Municipal Party Committee and Fuxin Municipal Government will unswervingly continue to expand opening up, create a first-class soft environment for economic development, and strive to build an open economic system. Fuxin's economic transformation is the name card of opening up and the carrier of attracting investment. In accordance with the agreement signed between China and the WTO, she is comprehensively expanding the fields of opening up, expanding the space for foreign cooperation, and accelerating the full docking of Fuxin's economy with the world economy.
The pilot city of national resource-based city's economic transformation has unprecedented opportunities. Fuxin, which is in the process of economic transformation, has unlimited business opportunities and huge potential for foreign cooperation. The Land of Abundance sincerely welcomes friends from all walks of life at home and abroad to participate in the economic transformation of Fuxin, cooperate in business, develop together and create a better future.

Fuxin featured tourism

Yulong Ancient Village: the first village in China, located 2.5 kilometers southwest of Chahai Village, Sala Town, Fuxin Mongolian Autonomous County, 25 kilometers away from Fuxin City. It is a historical and cultural site left by the ancient ancestors who lived and multiplied 8000 years ago. It was identified as a national key cultural relics protection unit by the State Council in 1996 Haitang Mountain: Located 2 kilometers northwest of Daban Village, Daban Town, Fumeng County, Haitang Mountain has an altitude of 715.5 meters, high mountains and deep valleys, rugged rocks, rich vegetation, pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, and is integrated with beautiful legends and cultural landscapes to form a unique and excellent scenery of the Northern Frontier. Daqinggou: This landscape is located in Daqinggou in the northwest of Zhangwu County, on the southern edge of Horqin Sandy Land, 110 kilometers away from Fuxin City. Ruiying Temple: Ruiying Temple, called "Gegen Sumu" by Mongols, is commonly known as Buddhist Lama Temple. Fosi Village, Fosi Town, Fumeng County, 22 kilometers southwest of Fuxin City. The temple was built in the eighth year (1669) of the Qing and Kangxi dynasties and took shape in the forty fourth year of the Kangxi reign. The emperor bestowed four languages: Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Han Giant dragon holding the pearl: This landscape is located in the Julong Lake in Houxinqiu Town, northeast of Zhangwu County, 140 kilometers away from Fuxin City. The water surface area of Julong Lake is 27.5 square kilometers. In 1959, the reservoir was built with Chaohe River. The lake bank has sandy shoals, which is a natural bathing place. The ancient Great Wall in Fuxin: Yan Great Wall is like a "earth dragon" cross wall in Fuxin, which shows that Fuxin is the northern border of Yan State and the nomadic land of Donghu nationality Bible Temple: Bible Temple, Mongolian Lamaism Temple. Zhalanyingzi Village, Dasijiazi Township, a hundred li northeast of Zhangwu County. The northeast is adjacent to Kangping, and the southeast is adjacent to Faku. It was founded in the 21st year of Daoguang Reign of the Qing Dynasty (1841). It sits on the ridge of Mount Turtle, surrounded by eight mountains. Desert Forest Sea Scenery: This landscape is located in ten thousand mu of pine forests in Zhanggutai Town, Zhangwu County, 160 kilometers away from Fuxin City. Wulanmutu Mountain: Wulanmutu Mountain in Bajiazi Township, Fumeng County was called Alimatu Mountain in the early years. Both names are transliterations of Mongolian. The former is translated into Chinese as "mountain with red trees", and the latter into "mountain with pears". Pear Mountain has a longer name. Haizhou Open pit: Haizhou Open pit Mine is 3 kilometers away from the city center. The mine is 4 kilometers long from east to west, 2 kilometers wide from south to north, 250 meters deep, and covers a total area of 30 square kilometers. Yizhou Ancient Pagoda: The ancient pagoda is located in the current Tayingzi branch of Fumeng County, slightly west of the central part of the ancient city of Yizhou in Liao Dynasty, and in the third year of Liao Taiping in Yizhou (1023). Baoyan Temple and other temples are built in Chengdu. The ancient pagoda has a circumference of 43.72 meters and a height of about 32 meters. The pagoda is built of octagonal 13 level brick with dense eaves. On eight sides of the pagoda body, there is a niche room with brick carvings inside. On both sides of the niche room, in addition to two statues of the King of Heaven carved on the north side, there is one statue carved on both sides of the remaining seven niche rooms. The upper sculpture room is covered with flying roofs, which has a beautiful shape. It has been nearly a thousand years since then. It is the best preserved pagoda in Fuxin and a provincial cultural relics protection unit in Liaoning.
Fuxin Tourism:
Tourism in Fuxin Mongolian Autonomous County Fuxin Tourism Tourism in Zhangwu County
Liaoning Tourism:
Shenyang Tourism Dalian Tourism Anshan Tourism Dandong Tourism Benxi Tourism Chaoyang Tourism Fushun Tourism Huludao Tourism Jinzhou Tourism Yingkou Tourism Panjin Tourism Fuxin Tourism Liaoyang Tourism Tieling Tourism