Baijiadang, revitalize idle private assets

2022-08-11 11:55:39   Source: Global franchise network   34725 people participated
  • Business Scope: Pawn
  • Number of stores: 360
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Traditional banks and pawnbroking industries have strict restrictions on assets and complicated procedures, which cannot meet the needs of SMEs and individuals to activate idle assets. Based on such market pain points, the asset circulation platform Baijiadang came into being. As a new and upgraded business model, it greatly extends the scope of assets, makes valuable asset products worthwhile, and can realize circulation, transaction and realization, revitalizing China's trillion private idle assets every year.

Baijiadang is not only a gold store, but also a pawnshop, luxury store and consignment shop. It is a comprehensive upgrade of a variety of unexpected and profiteering industries. As the inheritor of China's private asset circulation industry, Baijiadang's core business focuses on the recovery, sale, pledge and replacement of private assets. It is committed to giving full play to the value of China's trillions of idle assets hidden in the private sector every year and creating a leading intermediary in the field of idle assets.

The assets involved in Baijiadang include all valuable items. From personal assets such as real estate, cars, gold jewelry, luxury goods, home appliances, 3C digital, mobile phones, to corporate assets such as shares, accounts receivable, land, and factory buildings; From soft assets such as trademarks, copyrights, patents, certificates of honor, qualification approvals, and enterprise certifications, to hard currency such as gold, famous watches, famous wood furniture, diamonds, coins, luxury cars, beautiful brands, and common currency, to intangible assets such as government resources, star resources, channel resources, media resources, and rare beautiful brands, Let these sleeping assets be linked and integrated for realization.

The business scope of Baijiadang can be summarized into six categories, namely asset replacement, emergency pledge, gold recovery, watch diamond, collection and leak detection, and resource link.

It is a platform for people who are shrewd in financing. For those who need money urgently, it is an emergency bank. For those who have revitalized their assets, they are experts in realization.

Whether it is urgent to use money for business turnover, gold, recycling and replacement of luxury goods, quick sale of famous bags and watches, pledge of motorhomes, cash gifts, or trademarks, patents, intellectual property custody transactions, social resource links, it can match the needs of Baijiadang.

The market is never short of resources, but of resource linkers. With a deep grasp of market demand and the upgrading and subversion of traditional business model, Baijiadang strives to become a linker in the field of asset circulation in China, so that all idle assets and resources can be effectively matched. Support small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, help solve people's livelihood problems, and Baijiadang is using the asset light wealth creation model to become a conscientious enterprise that benefits the country and the people.

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