Quantification, critical

Recently, the volatility of small and micro cap stocks has significantly increased, and quantitative private placement has again ushered in the performance test. Data shows that as of April 19, micro cap stocks have retreated by more than 14% since April, and the CSI 2000 index has also been significantly adjusted. A channel personage revealed to the reporter that despite the previous trend of quantitative private placement of many heads

2024-04-22 00:10

Source: Shanghai Securities News · China Securities Network

newest! Private placement sees the future: the biggest risk is this

Private placement looks at the future: the biggest risk is that in the third quarter of the US general election, the A-share market experienced a shock adjustment after the rapid rise in July, and some of the hot sectors that led the rise earlier fell back into the adjustment state. Private placement also began to adjust positions and exchange shares, starting from the over allocation of technology at the beginning of the year

2020-10-26 16:28

Source: China Fund News

Bottom hunting or hedging of A-share next week? The fund manager said

On January 29, Hong Kong shares opened as scheduled, and the Hang Seng Index closed down 2.82%. Industry insiders believe that the epidemic has a short-term impact on the profitability and market risk appetite of some enterprises, but both are short-term and medium-term impacts. It is expected that the impact on market risk appetite will pass soon. In terms of sectors, the epidemic situation affects food and beverage

2020-01-30 09:17

Source: China Securities Journal

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Beijing Heju Investment: The traditional cycle sector in the fourth quarter is expected to usher in valuation repair

China Securities News (reporter Li Huimin) Recently, Beijing Heju Investment released the latest market strategy, saying that the structural market will continue in the fourth quarter, and the traditional sectors with strong periodicity are expected to usher in year-end valuation repair. Beijing Heju Investment said that the fourth quarter ushered in the peak market value of the year, accounting for all

2019-10-09 09:12

Source: China Securities Network

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More than half of the market got off to a good start in September Private placement optimistic about the market in September

In the first week of September, A-share stocks got off to a good start as scheduled, and the three major Shanghai indexes strengthened across the board. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 3.93% in the week, hitting the 3000 point integer threshold and closing at 2999.6 points; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 4.89% and the GEM Index rose 5.05%. Does a good start mean that the overall market in September is optimistic? Tuned

2019-09-08 09:08

Source: Dazhong Securities News

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Jiang Jinzhi: Domestic demand growth of long-term consumer stocks is the most deterministic investment opportunity

Sina Finance News On July 16, it was reported that 10 billion private placement of Jinglin assets and its controller Jiang Jinzhi had recently fallen into rumors. On July 14, Jinglin Assets issued a statement saying that the relevant articles were seriously untrue and suspected of libel. In the evening, private equity tycoon Jiang Jinzhi rarely sends out photos of friends gathering. Attractive

2019-07-16 19:39

Source: Sina Finance

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How to view A-share trend investment? Jiang Jinzhi: This style is not suitable for Jinglin

Sina Finance News On July 16, it was reported that 10 billion private placement of Jinglin assets and its controller Jiang Jinzhi had recently fallen into rumors. On July 14, Jinglin Assets issued a statement saying that the relevant articles were seriously untrue and suspected of libel. In the evening, private equity tycoon Jiang Jinzhi rarely sends out photos of friends gathering. Attractive

2019-07-16 17:18

Source: Sina Finance

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Is the investment model about to change? Private placement emergency call stock selection strategy in the second half of the year

Every reporter Yang Jian and editor He Jianling have recently become a hot topic in the market due to the "collapse" of the white horse group, and the trend of foreign investment behind the white horse shares can not be ignored. The focus of the market on foreign capital mainly stems from the investment path of "liquidity uplift valuation" over the past few years

2019-07-05 21:17

Source: Daily Economic News

Jiang Hui, Chairman of Xingshi Investment: Adhere to high-quality development and long-term development of science and technology

Xingshi Jianghui: Science and technology have been improving for a long time, waiting for the bright moon to bloom and the steady growth policy will run through the whole year. It is expected that the policy will be relaxed again in the third quarter. External factors are repeated, and we should be fully prepared for long-term competition. The reshaping of the global industrial chain has a certain impact on the existing domestic industrial chain

2019-07-04 11:51

Source: Sina Finance

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At this stage, every new product must be priced rationally and qualitatively

The issuing price of the first share of Huaxing Yuanchuang on the science and technology innovation board was determined to be 24.26 yuan. During the offline inquiry, public and private funds actively participated in the new market-oriented quotation process. This week, a batch of new shares on the science and technology innovation board, such as Ruichuangwina and Tianzhun Technology, will begin to be subscribed. Many funds said that at this stage, they will pay more attention to science and technology

2019-07-01 08:27

Source: Securities Times

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Trend tracking system to avoid subjective emotional risk

The post-90s leader Luo Xi Investment Secrets The leader of private equity may be the elderly with rich experience and years of dominance in the outside world, but in fact, "the vitality of the private equity industry comes from competitiveness", which can be confirmed by the post-90s leader Luo Xi. Guangdong Yinghan Investment Co., Ltd

2019-07-01 08:00

Source: Securities Daily

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Is the "seven turnovers" market a foregone conclusion? China US Economic and Trade Consultation and Private Placement: short-term improvement is favorable for A-shares

Every reporter Yang Jian and editor Wu Yongyong agreed to restart economic and trade negotiations on the basis of equality and mutual respect at the China US dollar summit held on June 29, and the US would not impose new tariffs on Chinese products. The economic and trade teams of the two countries will discuss specific issues. yes...

2019-06-30 18:56

Source: Daily Economic News

On the way of investment, we only look at the value, not the future

"No matter how long the darkness is, the day will come." This is a famous saying of Shakespeare. Deng Lijun, executive director of Junze Holding, often uses it to motivate himself. As a value investor who claims to "flow Buffett's blood", Deng Lijun thinks that Shakespeare's words can not only stimulate

2019-06-29 09:38

Source: Securities Times

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Private placement: structural opportunities in the market

China Securities News (reporter Ye Siqi) Zhishun Investment released its monthly opinion on June 4, saying that investors' short-term emotional catharsis has been basically in place. With the introduction of hedging policies, the capital market will present structural opportunities. It is still the best time to significantly increase the allocation of equity assets

2019-06-04 21:16

Source: China Securities Network

  • Good

The time of A-share decision will come? Well known private placements interpret market opportunities in June

There is a saying in the stock market of Shen Shuhong, a reporter of Economic Observer Network: "Five poor, six dead, seven turned over". It says that the stock market often performs poorly in May and June every year, and will go well in July. Just last May, the global stock market did experience a round of deep adjustment. Among them, 5 shares of A share

2019-06-03 14:10

Source: Economic Observation Network

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Financial indicators may not be fully applicable to the enterprises on the science and technology innovation board. There are two major differences in the design of related private equity products

On May 27, the Shanghai Stock Exchange announced that the municipal party committee on the science and technology innovation board would hold the first review meeting on June 5 to review the listing applications of three enterprises, including Shenzhen Microcore Biotechnology. This also means that it is getting closer and closer to the bell ringing for the listing of the Science and Technology Innovation Board. At present, scientific innovation

2019-05-28 22:45

Source: Daily Economic News

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Song Jiayong of Yunji Network: helping private equity fund to develop in a healthy and compliant way

Sina Finance News On May 25, 2019, the 5th Global Private Equity West Lake Summit was held in Hangzhou. In the third session of the forum, "New Technology, Xinsimu - Innovation and Practice of Financial Technology Enabling Smart Private Placement", Song Jiayong, Chairman of Yunji Network, delivered a keynote speech. The following is the actual record:

2019-05-28 18:06

Source: Sina Finance

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Private placement of 2900 points on Shanghai Stock Index: the probability will remain volatile, focusing on industry leaders

After the weak consolidation of the market last week, A-share finally saw a big rise on Monday. Yesterday, the Shanghai Index rose 1.38% to nearly 2900 points, the Shenzhen Index rose 2.31%, the GEM Index rose 3.34%, and the A-share market was in full swing. At the current node, the A-share market is facing the continued selling of northward funds

2019-05-28 13:17

Source: Securities Daily

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