About the problem of blog database during migration

Solve the installation and upgrade problems you encounter in different platform environments
Posts: two
Registration time: 18:21, October 30, 2022

About the problem of blog database during migration

Posts from suzuka »

The building owner wants to migrate from CentOS to Ubuntu, and the installation database uses MariaDB
When migrating, do you want to restore the database in the new system and specify the database and password when installing Typecho? Or do you need some additional operations?
Previous migration of the same system can directly overwrite the entire installation directory of Typecho to the new server to restore the theme and plug-ins, but can Ubuntu and CentOS do this

The building owner has almost no operation and maintenance knowledge. When building, he looked at the tutorial step by step. Only when he saw the news that CentOS had stopped maintenance, he thought about migration. I hope you guys can teach QAQ