Typecho Forum - Terms of Use

For "Typecho Forum" (hereinafter referred to as "we", "our", "Typecho Forum")“ https://forum.typecho.org ”)By visiting, you agree to and abide by the following legally effective terms. If you do not agree to the following terms, please stop visiting and using "Typecho Forum". We may change these terms without notifying you when we think it appropriate. If you continue to use the "Typecho Forum" after the change of the terms, it will be deemed that you agree with and comply with these terms.

Our forum runs using phpBB (hereinafter referred to as "them", "their", "phpBB software", "www.phpbb. com", "phpBB group", "phpBB team"), which is a“ GNU General Public License v2 ”(hereinafter referred to as "GPL") The bulletin board system solution for software protocol can be accessed from www.phpbb.com Download. PhpBB only makes Internet based discussions easier. The phpBB Group is not responsible for the content discussed. If you want more information about phpBB, please visit: https://www.phpbb.com/

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, hateful, threatening, pornographic content, or any content that violates the laws of your country, the laws of the country where the "Typecho Forum" is located, or public international laws. The above behaviors may prevent you from accessing this forum forever without notice. The IP address used for all posts will be recorded to help investigate violations of the terms. You agree that "Typecho Forum" has the right to delete, modify, move, or close any topic whenever we think appropriate. As a user, you agree that any information you enter will be recorded in the database. We will not release these information to any third party without your consent, but "Typecho Forum" and phpBB will not bear legal responsibility for any data leakage caused by hacking