How much does it cost to join Chifeng Gan brothers

2018-01-10 14:41:28   Source: China Franchise Network   1755 people participated
  • Business scope: food
  • Number of stores: 20
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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Beef jerky is a kind of leisure snack in our life. It attracts many diners by virtue of its delicious, nutritious, clean, and economical features. Chifeng and Geliang beef jerky have gathered high popularity in the market after years of promotion. So, How much does it cost to join Chifeng Gan brothers What about? Let's take a look at the introduction below.

 Chifeng Gan Brothers

How much does it cost to join Chifeng Gan and Ge:

According to the investigation, the cost of joining Chifeng Gan and Ge is not high, About 100000 yuan. Chifeng Keliang beef jerky is a thousand year secret recipe. It is elaborately made, unique in taste, long in shelf life, suitable for carrying, and unique in China. Chifeng Gan and his brother joined in to easily manage a good project.

   The joining process of Chifeng Gan and Ge:

   1. Cooperation consultation: Franchisees can inquire about relevant cooperation matters from Chifeng Gange's headquarters and ask for relevant information by telephone, fax and online message.

   2. Cooperation application: Franchisees who are optimistic about the joining project of Chifeng Gange can fill in the cooperation application form and confirm the matters related to joining.

   3. Field investigation: Franchisees can go to the headquarters for field investigation and have face-to-face communication with the headquarters staff.

   4. Signing the contract: After both parties confirm that there is no objection, they can negotiate in good faith and formally sign the cooperation contract.

   5. Payment of fees: the franchisee shall pay relevant fees to the headquarters and confirm the regional operation right according to the selected cooperation level.

   6. Skill training: Franchisees go to the headquarters to receive comprehensive training such as technical training, management training and operation training, and receive assessment from the headquarters.

 Chifeng Gan Brothers

   7. Store decoration: the headquarters assists the franchisee to confirm the business district and site selection, as well as store decoration and commodity layout.

   8. Opening preparation: getting authorization, opening gifts, arranging publicity materials, etc.

   9. Official opening: the site is officially opened on a auspicious day.

How much does it cost to join Chifeng Gan Brothers? It can be seen from the above introduction that the joining cost of Chifeng Gan and Ge is small, which is worthy of everyone's wisdom. Chifeng Gan and his brother are flexible in joining and opening stores. One person can operate the store, which can be sold in the window or monopolized. Joining Chifeng Gan Ge duo will improve/increase everyone's ability to start a business easily and quickly.

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