Traditional tea shops will disappear in the next two or three years! This is not alarmism!

2022-10-21 17:19:21   Source: Global franchise network   567 people participated
  • Business scope: tea set, tea, tea space, tea tonic and tea farmers' by-products
  • Number of stores: 56
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Do you want to open a store that has been oversupplied by routine, or do you want to open a store with sustainable revenue and business capability?

Do you want to open a shop where tea can be used to enhance the value virtually, or do you want to open a shop where tea is good to drink?

Do you want to open a shop that only deals with acquaintances, or do you want to open a shop that allows more strangers to become your customers and friends?

In the era of new media and the Internet, buyers are no longer going out, and sellers are no longer opening the door.

There is no doubt that you will die if you open a traditional tea shop (store)!

In Mordor, there was a wise female president who started from scratch 20 years ago. Together with Mr. Chen Xiao, Yongle Home Appliances became a well-known listed company. Ten years ago, she set foot in the tea industry and became one of the top three in the tea category at the beginning of the famine!

Known as the "tea queen" in the industry, she is well versed in the development of Internet+and retail industry, polishing traditional stores into a part of the "tea+" wealth creation platform.

Today, I will introduce you to a "new teahouse" - "tea world" and explore a "new" mode together!

When it comes to the tea industry, we have to mention one person - its founder - Ms. Shuwei!

At the age of 17, she searched for dreams, with 2000 yuan in her pocket, and ignited the entrepreneurial life of a small town girl from a bowl of chaos;

At the age of 27, she pursued her dream and founded one of the three giants of Chinese household appliances with Mr. Chen Xiao: Shanghai Yongle Electrical Appliance;

At the age of 37, she realized her dream and became famous. Yongle Home Appliances was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and at the same time, she made more than 50 millionaires and nearly 20 billionaires;

At the age of 47, she dreamed of building a platform of tea+general health, taking the well-known tea as the entry point, and creating the tea industry! Integrate the traditional tea industry with new retail, create a new OAO retail model that vertically subdivides the "tea industry+Internet", build omni channel and omni scene consumption, and redefine the tea industry.

The tea industry, Experience driven consumption

Nowadays, the fast pace of life makes many young consumers unable to experience the elegance and tranquility of "tea tasting", which is also an important factor in the decline of the tea industry.

In the tea world, tea is the entrance. Focus on building a "third space" for customers beyond work and life.

The tea industry has built an offline physical store into a diversified social platform, allowing more and more customers to visit the tea world in an accessible form.

There are different social spaces in the shop. It's a good thing to meet some friends in the afternoon and have a chat over tea;

Business social intercourse requires confidential talks about important matters. There are also business rooms in the tea circle, so everything is just a cup of tea.

A store, Equal to 6 stores

With the continuous upgrading of new technologies and requirements, the consumption form of modern people has also undergone great changes. Online has become the inevitable development trend of the retail industry. As a new generation brand in the new retail tea industry, the tea industry, of course, is no exception.

The tea industry has built an OAO smart tea shop

One physical store in the tea industry can extend to five online stores, including the WeChat mall store, local life store, Tmall store, social TV store and live TV store.

The products and orders of the five online stores are managed in a unified way, and customer members from all channels are guided to precipitate into a private domain flow pool - member community in the tea industry. Digital management is carried out through member grouping, labeling, etc., which is convenient for refined operation of customers and helps the brand achieve efficient growth.

New tea drinking mode: Smart Teahouse

The way of traditional tea shop dealers has become more and more difficult, and new tea shops are constantly emerging. For most tea shops, they have come to a fork road. Only innovation can make more possibilities.

Five in One Smart Teahouse

The tea industry has created a new retail model different from the past!

At present, the tea industry is facing the nationwide hot investment attraction, and the "retail queen" is calling for you to build a great tea industry!

 Blue Sky Tea
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