The price of mungbean products is rising with the price of mungbean products

2016-07-26 10:49:41   Source: China Franchise Network   7196 people participated
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In the face of the rising prices of mung beans, what about the prices of various products with mung beans as raw materials? Recently, the reporter visited Ganzhou Qiancheng market and found that the price of mung bean soup this year was generally 3 yuan/cup, up about 50% over last year, due to the influence of mung bean prices; Some restaurants do not sell mung bean paste but mung bean shaved ice; Although the retail price of mung bean ice-cream did not rise, the variety sold decreased.

Recently, the reporter visited some ice stores, restaurants and night market stalls in Qiancheng, and found that the price of mung bean soup was generally 3 yuan/cup, up about 50% over last year, but the sales were still hot. Boss Yang, who opened an ice shop on Hakka Avenue in Ganzhou, told the reporter that the price of mung bean soup had only been adjusted in recent days. The original price was 2 yuan/cup, but now it is 3 yuan/cup. "I didn't plan to adjust the price at first, but the purchase price of mungbean has risen these days, and the demand is very large. If I sell the original price, I will lose money, so I have to adjust the price."

The owner of a specialty snack shop on Dongyangshan Road in the city said that they adjusted the price of mung bean soup at any time according to the purchase price of mung beans. Some time ago, the price of mung bean dropped, and the retail price of mung bean soup in this store dropped by 1 yuan. Now the price of mung bean has risen, and the price of mung bean soup has also risen. The boss said that in order to dispel customers' doubts, he also posted the reasons for the price increase and price reduction of mung bean soup in the store.

There is a small shop that specializes in cold drinks on the city avenue. The mung bean paste, which was originally sold for 6 yuan, has now been put on the "stop selling" sign. On the shop's sales list, mung bean paste has been replaced by mung bean shaved ice. The shopkeeper told the reporter that the price of mung beans had risen, and the amount of mung beans needed to make mung bean paste was large. This kind of drink did not earn, but lost money. Therefore, it sold mung bean shaved ice instead, with less consumption. This made the guests who like mung bean paste feel a little dissatisfied, but the boss said that once the price of mung bean drops, they will make and sell mung bean paste again.

Some cold drink retailers told the reporter that at present, the supply of mungbean ice cream on the market is tight, especially the low price mungbean ice cream of some brands. Ms. Wang, the owner of a grocery store, told the reporter that the sales of mung bean ice-cream were very good, and sometimes they had to buy it once a day, but this year's purchase could not keep up. The reporter saw in Ms. Wang's freezer that there was only one brand cold drink enterprise's mung bean ice cream, and the price was 1 yuan/piece.

"The retail price has not changed, but the purchase price has increased a bit." Manager Guo of a cold drink wholesale store in Ganzhou told reporters that, taking a brand of ice cream as an example, the purchase price of a box of ice cream was 24.5 yuan before, but it has risen to 25.5 yuan this year. Each item has risen a few cents, which is not a big increase, so the retail price has not been raised. Manager Guo also told the reporter that although the retail price of mung bean ice-cream was not affected, the variety of mung bean ice-cream was reduced. Some larger manufacturers only produced one kind of mung bean ice-cream, while some small manufacturers, because they had no money to make, no longer produced mung bean ice-cream.

label: Hubei bean products franchise store Bean products and snacks franchise store Bean products franchise Bean products franchise store
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