"60 new customers enter the store, 59 members go out", the proprietress culture behind 99% member conversion rate!

2022-04-15 15:38:11   Source: Global franchise network   977 people participated
  • Business Scope: Supermarket
  • Number of stores: 8000
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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"With the disappearance of the flow dividend, the repurchase rate has become a highly popular business concept in recent years; especially for Guoquan community stores that are deeply engaged in new retail, how to operate the existing users well and how to improve the repurchase rate of existing users is an important issue facing all Guoquan stores.

In Xihe, Gansu Province, a store manager named Lan Lan, relying on the "proprietress culture", turned a small store in Guoquan County in the northwest region into a star store with a "member repurchase rate of 83% and monthly sales of online mall exceeding 1000 orders".

From 14:00 to 15:00 on March 31, Lan Lan, the store manager of Qiuchi Road, Xihe County, Gansu Province, visited the live broadcast room of Guoquan School · Wandian chain store manager and talked about "proprietress culture".

At the beginning of the live broadcast, Lan Lan, the store manager, said: "The proprietress culture is not my creation, it is the company's experience accumulated from the food and beverage industry. I am just a firm practitioner." Obedience, compliance, and following "is my magic weapon for success in business.".

The core connotation of the boiler circle proprietress culture is one center+three basic points; One center: from products to users; Three basic points: delicious first, comfortable experience, deep link; Together, it is the sixteen word policy of the proprietress culture "operating users, giving priority to delicious food, comfortable experience, and deep links"!

The essence of the proprietress culture is repurchasing, which enables users who do not want to purchase to purchase and users who have the intention to purchase to purchase as much as possible.

According to statistics, the cost of maintaining an old customer is only 1/5 of the cost of developing new customers. In recent years, this number has even reached 1/6. For a store, 80% of its revenue comes from repeated purchases by 20% of its regular customers.

Therefore, it is the most important thing for the store to improve its turnover to do a good job of repurchasing existing users, which Lanlan store manager repeatedly emphasized in the live broadcast.

In the next live sharing, Lan Lan, the store manager, carefully unfolded around the sixteen word policy of the proprietress culture.


Business users

Sales thinking turns to user thinking

The traditional business is about goods, goods and people. The current business is about people, goods and people. If the store wants to achieve good performance, it must transform the selling thinking of the past products into the user thinking of the current operating users.

My store is very successful in operating users, so the online mall is doing very well. When it is high, there are more than 1000 orders a month, Lan Lan said proudly in the live broadcast room!

How old the customer is, where he lives, what his family is like, what he likes to eat, and what taboos he has, I'm all clear. If a customer can't come to the store, as long as the distance is not too far away, I will deliver it to him for free; If there are activities, I will remind customers to save money for them; They also call to greet customers on holidays. Customers have express delivery, and the store can also serve as a storage point

What's more considerate is that in the group, she will let customers place an order in advance, and she will slow down some frozen products herself before delivering them, so that customers will not bother to slow down again.

Lan Lan said in the live broadcast: "Many customers come to me because they trust me and recognize me, so they are more willing to spend here.". Even in the local county, there is a slang saying: "Look for Lan Lan in the pot circle when you have something to do".

During the period, there was also a small episode. Lan Lan, the store manager, left the store for 2 months due to family affairs, and the store performance immediately declined. After she returned, the store performance recovered steadily, which shows the importance of a good store manager to the store!

Lan Lan also said in the live broadcast: "The online mall is our own platform, which can save a lot of commissions, manage customers well, and deposit in our own online mall, which is a gold mine that has been repeatedly developed."

To manage customers, we should not only manage the C end well, but also the B end customers. When customers go to the bar to drink, they suddenly want to eat crawfish. Lan Lan, the store manager, heated it up and sent it to the bar. At first, the owner of the bar was a little upset. Later, the manager of Lanlan simply talked about cooperation with the owner. "When the bar has a demand, the customer will place an order with you, and I will heat it for you." It is mutually beneficial and win-win, and has been cooperating until now.

"In Shaanxi branch, half of the tilapia is sold by me", Lanlan store manager said in the live broadcast, because in the local county town, fish is an indispensable dish for weddings and funerals, and chefs have trouble buying and handling fish when they make it. Finding this pain point, Lanlan store manager began to establish relations with these chefs, talk about cooperation, and the tilapia in the store began to go in batches, Later, spicy chicken feet and other small cold dishes penetrated into the store, which also contributed a lot to the store's turnover.


Good food first

Taste must be concrete

A good product does not mean that customers can taste good. Many customers discount the taste due to improper operation during eating. Although the product does not taste good because of the customer's operation error, the customer often does not feel that their operation is wrong, but only feels that the store's products are not delicious.

Therefore, when customers are shopping, the shopping guide of Lanlan Store will tell customers about the proportion of the ingredients, the matching of the product pot bottom and other eating methods, so as to make customers experience the good taste of the ingredients.

Secondly, the concept of delicious food is not concrete enough to describe to customers, and customers cannot perceive it. For example, it is not easy for customers to distinguish the spiciness of the primer. The store uses the number of peppers to represent the spiciness. Different primers correspond to different numbers of peppers, so that customers can understand at a glance.

Admittedly, delicious food comes first, but the fragrance of wine is also afraid of deep alley. How to attract customers to taste it is also crucial. At three o'clock and one line, the store has been insisting for years. From 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Thursday, except for one person to watch the store, the store manager Lan Lan will arrange others to go out to sweep the building, the street, and the shops to send leaflets.

"The premise of operating stock is that the increment has enough accumulation", Lan Lan said with a smile in the live broadcast!



Multi contact experience design

The core of cost performance ratio is whether it is worth it or not. The key word is to pay for "value", which is achieved by Guoquan products; The core of the body price ratio is whether it is comfortable or not. The key words are subjective feelings and whether the experience is good or not; This requires the store to do contact design.

In the contact design of the store, Lan Lan store manager shapes the five senses consumption experience by mobilizing "vision, smell, hearing, taste and touch". The grand and beautiful display, the smell of the bottom material of the tasting table, the sweet smile greeting and the light music in the store, and the right service create an immersive shopping experience for customers.

Especially when garlic flavored crawfish is processed in the store, many customers point to a row of crawfish in the freezer and ask for several boxes. The clerk often says that this is something that other customers have ordered. Under the communication with the store manager, we should use the "hunger marketing" method to ignite the crawfish in the store.


Deep Links

From transaction to communication

"Selling a product to a customer is called sales, selling it to a customer for a thousand times is called repurchasing, and selling it to a customer for a thousand times is called fission". Deep link is offline aggregation, online fission, a deep emotional link, and a "complex of sales+repurchasing+fission".

All customers entering the store must add WeChat; Lan Lan, the store manager, has nearly 5000 friends on WeChat. She has tried WeChat friend management, WeChat group management, live broadcast, and various new play methods. Although she is tired, every day when she sees the list from WeChat, she is tired and worth it.

Lan Lan, the store manager, added: "Since the company launched the private domain strategy, built the enterprise WeChat group, intelligentized customer maintenance, and observed user activity through the data billboard, we have saved a lot of things, and our links with users have become closer, and the store turnover has also increased"!

As the saying goes, "Those who have physical stores will win the world, and those who have proprietress culture will win the world". It is hoped that the store can fully inherit the "proprietress culture" of the pot circle, so that the store's performance can reach a new high.

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