How much does it cost to join as an agent of bird's nest

2021-11-30 13:42:39   Source: China Franchise Network   3010 people participated
  • Scope of business: bird's nest
  • Number of stores: 40
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Bird's nest is a tonic that combines health care and beauty. It has many benefits and is loved and sought after by most consumers. As a popular entrepreneurial project at present, bird's nest is a brand worth choosing and can be successful. So, How much does it cost to join as a bird's nest agent? Now let's follow Xiao Bian to understand.

How much does it cost to join as an agent of bird's nest

According to what I have learned, the standard of franchise fees for bird's nest agents is different due to different scales and different business models. The larger the store, the higher the fees will be. Generally, it will be between 100000 yuan and 200000 yuan. The details will be determined through consultation between the franchisee and the headquarters, including the level of service, The content of technical training also includes the overall form and standard of joining. If franchisees want to reduce their own financial pressure, they need to choose a brand that matches their own economic level for cooperation, so that they will not face too high entrepreneurial pressure in the follow-up development process.

In addition to franchise fees, store decoration, rent, equipment, etc. are all important items of expenditure. However, according to different business scales and grades, there will be differences in specific investment. The rent of stores in good locations is higher, while that in non business districts is more convenient. The rent of larger business premises is higher, and the store will be much lower if it is smaller, These operators need to make rational choices based on their own specific conditions.

After joining the brand, the brand headquarters will provide various trainings to the franchisees. At the same time, the later store operation of the franchisees will also be assisted by the brand headquarters to make plans to improve the operation of the brand stores.

Advantages of Bird's Nest Agent

1. The company sends marketing department personnel to conduct market research, evaluation and analysis;

2. Franchise operation analysis;

3. The decoration of franchised stores and the guidance of customized samples;

4. Training of sales personnel, measuring staff and installation personnel;

5. Free leaflets, purchase orders, various certificates, etc;

How much does it cost to join as a bird's nest agent? All the expenses in the article are estimated, and there are great differences in the expenses required for different franchise brands. Bird's Nest is a very popular project for franchisees, and the headquarters will also provide help at multiple levels, so that the partner will feel relieved and willing to invest more energy in this project.

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