Lose the last

Love you for the first time, please take more care.

Speak out forcefully

When you see this message, my heart is praying for you, praying that your heart is full of happiness, praying that angels will always be around you, praying that your future is carefree, and wishing you a happy Father's Day!


Time will pass, but good memories will last forever. Live each day with your heart!

grand banquet

The self-control of the poor is lower than that of the rich. They are the first to give up their image

Clumsy mouth

In addition to life, old age, sickness and death, there are few really important things in life. There is no need to look worried about small things, and there is no need to make a difference with villains. Remember to be good to yourself.

Xiao Xin is not here - 7

The most painful kind of goodbye is never said, but I know in my heart that everything is over.

Peng Zinan

Nothing is difficult if you are willing to climb—— Mao Zedong

Not often fight wild

It is a natural oxygen bar with high mountains and dense forests. The temperature in summer is also lower than that in the city. You can feel the shade of the canyon and the fun of playing in the water in hot summer.


Fight against cancer for the fourth month. I hope there are satisfactory answers

The best Zhang in the world _zzz

Thank you for copyright antitrust! Wyy may become the biggest winner! Only tx's injured world will come true!

How to hide the consumption level from the dithering level (the method to change the dithering level back to Level 1) _ Yiyi Dithering

A few days ago, Douyin further launched the author level project with article number, which is divided into seven levels, V1-V7. The higher the level, the right to enjoy

How to cancel the following software in batch for Treble (too many deletion steps for Treble) _ Yiyi Treble

We must persist in updating our works. Don't fish for three days, and sun the net for two days! This will make the fans who have followed you lose patience and cancel their attention.

How to play the accompaniment? Video recording (software for recording while playing the accompaniment) _ Yiditian.com

How to play accompaniment recording for dithering? We can see many videos of dithering recorded by dithering friends on dithering. If it's just a solo, which gives people a very simple feeling, then we

How to know whether the other party is online (know the setting of the other party's brushing the dither) _ Yidian

The active status of dithering is online, and the user can set it to enable according to their own needs. Some children don't know about it. What is the active status of dithering

How to set the carousel of the background picture of the live broadcast of dithering (the method of live broadcast virtual background moving picture) _ Yiditian.com

Two days ago, Nisijun sent a live broadcast tutorial of "Green Screen Cutting". Some fan friends felt that it was too fast to keep up. Today, I will break it down step by step for everyone and follow me

What is the advantage of more fans of dithering? Can we make money with more fans _ Yiditiao.com

What's the benefit of more fans of dithering? Can we make money with more fans? What are the benefits? Let's learn about it together. Many people do not understand the Internet

How to write the title of the new person's live broadcast

A good title will promote the department's own live broadcast room, so how to get a good title for the live broadcast room? The following is a detailed explanation for you. Do live broadcast with goods

How to downgrade the login of dithering version (too low dithering version does not allow login to skip teaching) _ Yiditian.com

When playing, many friends of Tiao Yin have encountered such a situation that after logging in, they have become a new number, and the old number has disappeared. Tiao Yin is heavy

How to Increase the Intimacy of Ditto Fans Group (the upper limit of the one-day intimacy of Ditto Live) _ Yidian.com

As all the anchors of Tiao Yin live broadcast know, the fan group is very important, and they often hear the anchor ask the audience to join the fan group during the live broadcast.


Methods to improve BT download speed (Tracker server) – Funletu

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six hundred and forty