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Fujian: Take the lead in legislation and "refuel" for new quality productivity

2024-06-15 09:01:07   Author: Zheng Zhao Zhu Ziwei   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Cai Xiuming    Let me say something

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The first national local regulation on the promotion and application of the first set of technical equipment was launched in Fujian and will be implemented next month

Take the lead in legislation and "refuel" for new quality productivity

Southeast Net, June 15 (Fujian Daily, Zheng Zhao, Zhu Ziwei) The Regulations of Fujian Province on Promoting the Promotion and Application of the First Set of Technical Equipment (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") will come into force on July 1 this year, which is the first local regulation on the promotion and application of the first set of technical equipment in China.

Technical equipment is an important support for industrial upgrading and scientific and technological progress, and plays an important role in promoting the formation of new quality productivity. The first set of technical equipment is one of the important signs reflecting the high-quality development level of equipment manufacturing industry.

The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made arrangements for the implementation of major technical equipment projects and the promotion of high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry. The National Conference on the Promotion of New Industrialization stressed that we should adhere to the path of new industrialization with Chinese characteristics and accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power. Therefore, the regulations issued at this time node are in line with the national strategy, respond to the needs of the times, and fully reflect the forward-looking and innovative nature of local legislation.

The Regulations of Fujian Province on Promoting the Popularization and Application of the First Set of Technical Equipment adopts the legislative form of "small incision", small perspective, small size, no sub chapter, a total of 17 articles. Although the length is not long, they are all aimed at the difficulties and pain points in the promotion and application of the first set of technical equipment, committed to promoting and solving the "big problems" encountered in the development of enterprises, such as the update and iteration of advanced technical equipment, and the obstacles in the system and mechanism in the promotion and application, "refueling" for the innovation of technical equipment, and contributing to the high-quality development of Fujian economy.

Let the first product (set) get the "ID card"

Inspection and evaluation is the key link to promote the development of the first set of technical equipment. The regulations clearly require to establish and improve the public service system for inspection and detection, improve the standards, measurement, inspection and detection and certification system related to the first set of technical equipment, and further standardize the inspection and detection behavior.

Therefore, the setting of this clause is the prerequisite for issuing legal "ID cards" to the first product (set).

As a leading supplier of lithium battery detection system in China, Fujian Xingyun Electronics Co., Ltd. has many products that have been developed from scratch, from exploration to leadership. At present, the company has 3 technical equipment that have been certified as the first (set) of products in the province.

Zhang Dewang, manager of the government enterprise affairs department of Xingyun Electronics, told the reporter that in the process of certification and evaluation of the first product (set), because there is no unified standard for new product equipment, it is often difficult for the testing and certification agency to evaluate or directly refuse to evaluate, which has caused problems for enterprise product evaluation. He said frankly: "It can be said that the certification standards directly determine whether the equipment products are advanced."

How to determine the certification standard? The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology said that it would study and draft the evaluation method for the first set of equipment, publicly solicit opinions throughout the province, and revise the current rules for the identification and implementation of the first set of technical equipment.

The provincial market supervision bureau also said that, in the next step, it would encourage measurement technology institutions and enterprises to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, jointly carry out research on measurement technology and methods for measuring instruments identified as the first (set) of technical equipment in our province, and formulate local measurement technical specifications. Support the legal metrological verification institutions to give priority to the construction of public metrological standards for the measuring instruments identified as the first set of technical equipment in our province, and provide technical support for the traceability of relevant technical equipment.

Solve the problem of "dare not use, unwilling to use"

Industry insiders pointed out that the investment in developing the first set of technical equipment was large and took a long time. Many enterprises did not dare to use it after R&D, and some enterprises even set the "invisible threshold" for the first set of technical equipment. Therefore, the difficulty in promoting and applying the first set of technical equipment has always been the biggest problem facing the first set of technical equipment.

In order to open the market of the first set of technical equipment, the regulations, through the combination of government guidance and market mechanism and other measures, solved the problems such as insufficient market trust in the initial stage, and accelerated the formation and development of new quality productivity in our province.

On the one hand, it is clearly stipulated that in the bidding process, the bidding documents shall not contain contents that exclude the bidder of the first set of technical equipment, and shall not set technical parameters beyond the actual needs of the bidding project. The first set of technical equipment that has been assessed shall be deemed to have market share and application performance within two years from the date of assessment.

"The promulgation of the regulations provides a legal guarantee for clearing the obstacles to the promotion and application of the first set of technical equipment." Wang Bangtian, deputy general manager of Fuzhou Tianyu Electric Co., Ltd., told reporters that two products of the company were certified for the first set of technical equipment in 2022 and 2023, both within two years from the date of identification. According to the regulations, It will thoroughly solve the problem of performance requirements for these two products in the bidding process.

On the other hand, the regulations also actively encourage state-owned enterprises in the province to take responsibility and play a leading role in demonstration to promote the overall development of the industry and market.

At present, several state-owned enterprises in the province have taken action in succession to demonstrate the responsibility and strength of state-owned enterprises: "Mintou No.1", invested by the provincial investment group and built by the provincial shipbuilding group Mawei Shipyard, has been successfully put into operation in the Dinghai Bay area of Lianjiang County, and is the first semi submersible deep-sea aquaculture platform integrating fishing and tourism in China; The "Star of Minjiang River" ship, purchased and applied by the Maritime Passenger Transport Company, an enterprise owned by the provincial port group, and built by the provincial ship group, made its maiden voyage at the "Minjiang River Tour" Taijiang Terminal, which is the first electric ship in the province.

Policy blessing: "help and send off"

Policy support is an important thrust for the development of the first set of technical equipment.

In this regard, there are many provisions in the regulations that "help and send". For example, it is specified that the government can formulate support policies for the development, promotion and application of the first set of technical equipment according to local conditions, and introduce financial measures to encourage the development, purchase and use of the first set of technical equipment. At the same time, enterprises that develop and purchase the first set of major technical equipment will enjoy relevant preferential tax policies in accordance with national regulations, and support and preferential policies can be applied together.

In response to this problem, Zhang Dewang deeply felt that "the application party who purchased the first set of technical equipment bears the risk of uncertainty, and it is necessary to provide policy support for the application party." At present, the first set of Xingyun Electronics products have been purchased and applied in three districts and cities in Fujian, and according to local policies, the existing application party has received corresponding subsidies. He hoped that the relevant support policies could be followed up in a timely manner after the regulations were issued in all parts of the province.

In fact, our province has formulated relevant support measures in 2018, giving subsidies of no more than 15% of the equipment purchase price to the first major technical equipment enterprises that apply the research and development of our province.

According to the actual situation of our province, this regulation changed the "first (set) of major technical equipment" specified by the national ministries and commissions to "first (set) of technical equipment", in order to reduce the threshold of recognition and support. The normative documents previously issued in the province will also be adjusted and modified as soon as possible to be consistent with the regulations. The provincial financial department will also continue to support the procurement of the first set of technical equipment, continuously increase financial input, promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and help the high-quality development of equipment manufacturing industry.

Establishing a perfect fault-tolerant exemption mechanism is also one of the key measures to ensure the first set of technical equipment. The Regulations encourage the exploration of the development, promotion and application of the first set of technical equipment. If there are errors or deviations in the exploration, the relevant units and individuals that meet the specified conditions and are diligent and responsible and do not seek private interests may be exempted or relieved of responsibility.

It is understood that at present, 18 enterprises funded by the provincial SASAC have established and improved the fault tolerance and error correction system or exemption list to further enhance the support capacity for the innovative development of major technical equipment.

Legislation is only the first step to support the development of the first set of technical equipment. Looking forward to the future, all parties need to work together to make the first set of technical equipment play a greater role in the market, better enable new quality productivity, and strive to promote the new industrialization of our province to a new level.

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