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During the "Double Product Online Shopping Festival", Fujian's online retail sales reached 35.2 billion yuan, ranking sixth in the country

2024-05-14 17:30:55   Lu Jinfu   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Zhou Dong

According to the work deployment of the Ministry of Commerce, Fujian Province organized and carried out the "Sixth Double Product Online Shopping Festival" activity throughout the province from April 28 to May 12, giving full play to the unique role of e-commerce in innovative consumption, releasing consumption potential and other aspects, and helping the high-quality economic development of the province.

Big data monitoring shows that during the "Double Product Online Shopping Festival" (April 28 May 12), Fujian's online retail sales reached 35.21 billion yuan, ranking sixth in the country; Rural online retail sales reached 13.04 billion yuan, ranking the third in China. Fujian tea, nourishing food and leisure food are popular, and the online retail sales of agricultural products rank fifth in the country. During the "Shuangpin Online Shopping Festival", there were 41 enterprises and 45 online stores with online shopping exceeding 10 million yuan. In this event, Fujian well-known enterprises Anta, Gold Cupboard, Duodu, Auction and Heng'an ranked the top five, and five enterprises achieved online retail of more than 850 million yuan.

Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce held the launching ceremony of "Double Product Online Shopping Festival" and the provincial e-commerce high-quality development theme activity of "Promoting Digital Commerce to the Future", and launched the special area of "The Sixth Double Product Online Shopping Festival", which consists of three modules: "Digital Life", "Digital Intelligence Enabling", and "Digital Trade Global", which are divided into three parts: "Happy Life", "Happy Product Renewal", "Happy Business Travel", "Happy Floating", "Happy Trade Famous Product", "Happy Agriculture Excellent Product" Eleven major contents, such as Digital Commerce Cloud Class, Impression Cross trade Fair, ASEAN Good Goods, Central Asia Good Goods, Cloud Goods Africa, etc., display Fujian featured goods in an all-round way. Relying on big data, we selected more than 100 flagship stores with annual sales of more than 100 million yuan across the whole network and platform to provide authoritative drainage. Consumers can learn relevant information through WeChat public accounts such as "Fujian Commerce" and "Fujian E-Commerce", and one click to guide Fupinhao platform and flagship store.

During the "6th Double Product Online Shopping Festival", all cities in the province highlighted the cultivation of new consumer brands and green consumption, intelligent consumption, health consumption, the in-depth integration of business, culture and tourism online and offline and the innovation of scene models, and the promotion of geographical indications, organic agricultural products, and regional public brands in combination with Fujian's industry and regional characteristics, Supporting the launch of various consumption promotion activities.

In order to thoroughly implement the major decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, and implement the deployment of the Ministry of Commerce for the "Consumption Promotion Year" and the work arrangement of the "Dual Product Online Shopping Festival", the Department of Commerce of Fujian Province, in conjunction with cities, counties and districts, coordinated with government, banks and enterprises, organized more than 1000 online and offline consumer friendly activities, and promoted consumption through discounts, promotions Replacement subsidies, shopping gifts, distribution of consumption vouchers and other methods highlight the theme of "consumption promotion, old for new", play a good combination of brand and quality consumption, promote the consumer market to burst new momentum, and continue to stimulate the vitality of domestic demand.

During the "Double Product Online Shopping Festival", business departments at all levels in Fujian Province actively organized promotional activities to guide consumption expectations, advocate the concept of brand consumption, quality consumption and green consumption, help accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and promote the high-quality development of digital commerce. Urge participating enterprises to strictly abide by laws and regulations such as Electronic Commerce Law, Antitrust Law, Anti Unfair Competition Law, Consumer Rights Protection Law, Personal Information Protection Law and Online Transaction Supervision and Management Measures, prohibit illegal and illegal acts such as selling fake and inferior goods, infringing intellectual property rights and personal privacy, and maintain the market order of fair competition, Constantly improve online consumption experience, strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests, and enhance consumers' sense of gain and satisfaction.

In the next step, the Department of Commerce of Fujian Province will further summarize the results of the activities, continuously accumulate the experience of running the "Double Product Online Shopping Festival", continue to work with relevant departments and industry associations to promote e-commerce to promote consumption and expand domestic demand, and meet the growing needs of the people for a better life.

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