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Fujian: Focusing on the main responsibility and main business, implementing the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people

2024-05-14 08:06:24   Chu Bai Shan, Lin Qingzhi, Solemn Liu Yiyi   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Lin Yao

Focusing on the main responsibility and main business, implementing the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people

——General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions point out the direction for the construction of ideological and political courses in the new era

Southeast Network, May 14 (Fujian Daily reporter Chu Bai Shan, Lin Qingzhi, solemn Liu Yiyi) Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in the school. Teachers, students and relevant departments in our province are deeply encouraged. They said that we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of the General Secretary, comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy, implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, closely follow the educational mission of the new era and new journey, constantly open up new prospects for ideological and political education in the new era, and ensure that the cause of the Party and the construction of a modern socialist power will have successors.

Teng Zengyou, Deputy Director of the Theory Department of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, said that the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of ideological and political courses in the school have pointed out the direction for us to adhere to the simultaneous promotion of ideological and political course construction and the Party's innovative theoretical armed forces in the new era. It will give full play to Fujian's unique advantages, further dig and use the "rich ore" of theory, and provide academic support for the construction of ideological and political courses in the new era; Further integrate the innovative theory of the Party into the ideological and political classroom organically, give fresh thought and thorough theory; Further promote the school to combine the small ideological and political classroom with the large social classroom, so that the party's innovative theory is highly grounded and popular.

The Youth League Working Committee of the provincial organ insists on taking the provincial youth learning lecture hall as the carrier to promote the members of the provincial youth theory preaching and practice group to go deep into the provincial youth group and extensively carry out the "seven advances" activity, and strive to build a "political school" and "ideological and political classroom" that lead the ideological progress of young people. It has successively held more than 2000 various preaching activities, with more than 50000 direct audience, The demonstration led the provincial authorities at all levels to carry out more than 20000 lectures. The relevant person in charge of the Youth League Working Committee of the provincial organ said that he would earnestly study and implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, take the provincial youth theory preaching and practice group and the provincial youth learning classroom as the starting point, persevere in doing a good job in the youth oriented interpretation of the party's innovative theory, combine the small ideological and political classroom with the large social classroom, and guide the youth to unswervingly listen to the party's words and follow the party.

Li Man, a three-level researcher of the School Department of the Communist Youth League of Fujian Provincial Party Committee, said that the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping have clarified the direction of the Communist Youth League to play the role of ideological and political leadership as the main force in universities and middle schools, and provided fundamental guidance. We will thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, give full play to Fujian's unique advantages as an important breeding ground and practice place of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, firmly establish the awareness of "thinking big about politics", continue to improve the educational effect of activities such as "young Marxist cultivation project" and "three trips to the countryside", and innovate to create "young doers" And other practical brands, combining the small ideological and political classroom with the big social classroom, further guiding the youth of the province to assume the responsibility and devote their youth strength in writing the chapter of Chinese style modernization in Fujian.

Tang Fuxiang, director of the Teaching Materials and Teaching Aids Center of the Straits Publishing and Distribution Group, said that the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping were from a strategic perspective and put forward new and clear requirements for the teaching materials work, which were highly political, ideological, instructive and targeted. We should actively promote the introduction of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era into textbooks, classrooms and minds, do a good job in textbook publishing and distribution, give full play to Fujian's advantages as an important breeding ground and practice place for new ideas, make good use of the "rich mine" of theory, and strive to build a "big ideological and political" textbook system with ideological and political course teaching materials as the main body and theme publications and various textbooks as the collaborative education, Let the textbook play its due role of Bacon in casting soul, enlightening wisdom and increasing intelligence.

"The essence of the ideological and political course is to reason. To reason deeply, thoroughly, and vividly, we need to grasp the logic of the times behind the reason, and understand the inevitability, necessity, and practical significance of each reason. As teachers of ideological and political courses, we should tap resources, select materials, take the remarkable achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the content support, and take the excellent traditional Chinese culture, red culture and advanced socialist culture as the strength foundation to make ideological and political courses more lively. " Wang Qing, deputy leader of the political teaching and research group of Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, said.

Wang Yanru, a doctoral candidate in the School of Marxism of Xiamen University, said: "As a student majoring in ideological and political education, I will learn and understand the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, cultivate deep feelings in the research practice of" walking in Bamin ", and actively participate in the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in universities, primary and secondary schools."

"We should integrate the rich red resources in the old revolutionary base areas of western Fujian into the ideological and political education, let students accept the baptism of revolutionary culture from childhood, guide students to listen to the Party, follow the Party, inherit the red gene, and strive to be good teenagers in the new era." Zhang Jiyan, principal of Chengnan Primary School in Yongding District, Longyan City, said.

Wu Liuxi, an undergraduate student of the Marxism College of Minnan Normal University, said that as a student of the Academy, he would increase his intelligence with truth, cultivate his morality with culture, improve his ability with practice, and cast his soul with ideals, and constantly forge himself into a teacher of ideological and political courses with strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, self-discipline, strict personality, so as to contribute youth strength to promoting the connotative development of ideological and political course construction.

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