The music award ceremony of "I sing my hometown to you, feeling of the straits" was held: sing the deep feeling of the straits in the melodious voice - original news - Southeast. com
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The music award ceremony of "I sing my hometown to you, the feeling of the strait" was held: singing the deep feeling of the strait in the melodious voice  2024-04-21 12:49:35   Lu Jinfu   Source: Southeast Network     Let me say something

Southeast Net reported on April 21 (reporter Zeng Qunfeng, Lu Jinfu, Wu Kai, Xingwen/photo). On April 20, the award ceremony of the cross-strait original music works selection activity "I sing my hometown to you, the feeling of the Taiwan Strait" was held in Fuzhou, sponsored by Fujian Provincial Party Committee Cyberspace Office, the Department of Culture and Tourism, and Fujian Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and hosted by Fujian Southeast Net. More than 100 music singers from both sides of the Taiwan Straits, including Jin Zhaojun, Zhang Mingmin, Ye Jiaxiu, Chen Jianping and Li Chunbo, gathered in Fuzhou to witness the awarding glorious moment of "I sing my hometown to you.

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Awards ceremony site.

Since the launch of the event in May 2023, it has received great attention and enthusiastic participation from both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the music industry. Nearly 600 entries have been collected, including 117 songs written by 52 musicians from Taiwan. The creators on both sides of the Taiwan Straits take music as a bridge to fully explore the beautiful natural scenery and profound cultural history of Fujian and Taiwan, sing the beauty of their hometown, eulogize the good life, eulogize the new era, and promote cultural integration and people to people connection between Fujian and Taiwan.

In this activity, a total of 6 award-winning works and 10 excellent songs were awarded to the student group, dialect group and Chinese group. Ye Jiaxiu, the founder of Taiwan's campus folk songs and famous singer, was invited to share his creation experience on the spot and tell stories of folk songs affectionately. Zhang Mingmin, the famous singer, sang classical songs on the spot to awaken the melody in the audience's memory and cause a warm response from the audience. The second launching ceremony of "I Sing My Hometown to You" was also held at the event site. At the meeting, Xinjiang Uygur Music Association and Ningxia Music Association were also invited to participate in the activities to continue to deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Xinjiang and between Fujian and Ningxia through music.

The award ceremony ushers in the highlight of cross-strait original music

Music is the language of the soul, and hometown is the softest place in people's hearts. When music creators on both sides of the Taiwan Straits work together to show their musical talents, when music creation collides with their hometown feelings, a song full of deep feelings inspires people's deep feelings, and sets off the strong kinship between people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, whose blood is thicker than water.

"The Beautiful Banyan City", "Welcome to Xiamen Like a Song", "Mother Mazu", "Dongting Ballad"... In the afternoon of April 20, at Fujian Grand Theater, "I sing my hometown to you, the feeling of the Taiwan Strait", the exhibition of the results of the online collection and selection of original music works on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, attracted many musicians to stop and watch, and felt the creative enthusiasm of competitors at home and abroad for their hometown.

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Zhang Mingmin, Ye Jiaxiu, Jin Zhaojun and Xiao Shan sang and talked on the spot.

"The clouds floating over my hometown keep calling me......" A classic song "Cloud of Hometown" performed affectionately opened the curtain of the award ceremony. When the melodies of "My Chinese Heart", "Grandma's Penghu Bay" and other Chinese melodies sounded, not only the singers on the stage were full of passion, but the audience also applauded the beat for these unforgettable songs. The audience on the spot said that the famous classical golden songs that were sung continuously were the highlights of this award ceremony.  

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The first prize winner of the Chinese group sang "Cross Strait Love" live.

In the music world, talents come forth in large numbers. At the awarding event, there are not only classic reviews, but also new forms of music such as trendy RAP rap, which is popular with young people. It is worth mentioning that when Hancheng Diary, the first prize winner of the Chinese group, joined hands with Zheng Chaofan, the Huadan actor of Puxian Opera, to perform the song "Cross Strait Love" on the stage, through the strong contrast and collision between RAP rap and Puxian Opera singing, Huadan's appearance, it brought great spiritual shock to the live musicians and won bursts of applause.

The awards for the top ten excellent songs, student groups, dialect groups, and Chinese groups... With the unveiling and awarding of awards one by one, the event reached a climax, and the original music of both sides ushered in a highlight moment. Jin Zhaojun, executive vice chairman and secretary-general of the Pop Music Society of the Chinese Music Association, said: "This activity has breadth and enthusiasm. I hope that the award-winning musicians will continue to polish their outstanding works, sing their hometown, sing their hometown sounds, sing their hometown into everyone's heart, and sing their hometown to the world."

"A grand meeting in the music industry" is the evaluation of many musicians on this selection activity. Ye Jiaxiu, a famous Taiwanese musician known as the "ancestor of rural folk songs", said with emotion, "We are looking forward to holding more such activities, so that young musicians on both sides of the Taiwan Straits can learn from each other's creative experience and help each other grow together."

Focusing on the Straits, Building a Music Bridge Connecting People

Looking back on this selection and solicitation activity, we found that the singing was melodious and the feeling was deep all the way.

In May 2023, at the opening ceremony of the first Fujian Network Culture Festival, the online collection and selection of original music works of "I sing my hometown to you - love of the Taiwan Straits" was officially launched, and original music works were widely collected for music creators, music lovers, record companies and social groups on both sides of the Straits.

It is reported that this selection activity was guided by the Central Cyberspace Office, hosted by the Cyberspace Office of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and strongly supported by the Popular Music Association of the China Music Association, the Provincial Musicians Association, and supported by the Popular Music Association of the Sichuan Music Association, the Provincial Music Promotion Association, the Provincial Webcast Association Co organized by QQ Music, undertaken by Southeast Network, and planned and executed Love Song Music.

After nearly a year of solicitation, exhibition and selection, nearly 600 original music works were collected, including 117 works created by 52 musicians from Taiwan, which fully sing the beautiful natural scenery and profound cultural history on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In the selection stage, the total effective broadcast volume of the voting platform was nearly 7.26 million times, and the total voting volume was nearly 3.1 million votes, gathering strong popularity. With music as a bridge, it has promoted cultural integration and people to people connections across the Taiwan Straits.

Award is the end of the activity, but also a new starting point. At present, the second "I'll sing my hometown to you" activity has been launched. At the award ceremony, Chen Jianping, a famous musician and known as Taiwan's "Golden Ear", sent a proposal on behalf of Taiwan's music singers.

"To continue the glory of the first session, we will continue to hold this event, committed to building a platform for cross-strait music exchange and integration. We hope that more and more cross-strait musicians will use this platform to ignite the enthusiasm of creation, and use moving notes to continue the continuous nostalgia of cross-strait," said the relevant person in charge of the sponsor.

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Xinjiang Music Association and Ningxia Music Association are specially invited to the activity of "I sing my hometown to you, Haisi Feeling".

Fujian is the starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road and the core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The activity of "I sing my hometown to you" has both "strait feeling" and "sea silk feeling". It is reported that the activity of "I sing my hometown to you, feeling of the sea silk" specially invited the Xinjiang Music Association and the Ningxia Music Association as the co organizers of the sub venues of the Land Silk Road to conduct the preliminary selection of music works, and would invite musicians at home and abroad to go to Fujian, Xinjiang and Ningxia to collect and create styles, encourage musicians to sing the beautiful songs of their hometown with different local sounds and styles It spread all over the world.

Editor in charge: Chen Wei