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The premiere ceremony of the film "Because of You" was held in Fujian

2022-09-01 20:28:57 Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Huang Lihong    Author:

Photographed by Lu Jinfu, reporter of Southeast Net at the premiere ceremony

On September 1 (reporter Lu Jinfu and Wu Kaixing), on the evening of September 1, the premiere of the excellent exhibition film "Because of You" (formerly known as "Gu Wenchang") was held in Fuzhou Grand Theater. Xu Shouyao, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and director of the Fujian Film Bureau, and Xu Shouyao, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Fujian Daily( newspaper group )Ye Shen, secretary and president of the Party Leadership Group, Zhang Zuoxing, secretary and director of the Party Leadership Group of Fujian Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Wang Zhizhen, secretary and director of the Party Leadership Group of Fujian Forestry Bureau, Chen Yida, secretary of the Secretariat of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association, Wu Weihong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Zhangzhou Municipal Committee, head of the Publicity Department, and head of the United Front Work Department, and other leaders attended the film premiere ceremony with the film's main guests.

It is worth mentioning that the chief scientist of the National Herbal Engineering Technology Research Center, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Security Sciences, executive director of the Herbal Science and Technology Research Institute of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, and professor Lin Zhanxi, the prototype of Professor Ling Yinong in the TV series Mountain and Sea Scenery, also appeared on the scene.

Gu Wenchang is "100 people who have touched China since the founding of New China". He led the people of Dongshan to work hard for 14 years, planted numbness everywhere, and overcame sandstorms with his vow of "I will be buried by sandstorms if I do not conquer sandstorms" and his belief of "revolution without selfishness and dedication for the people". From a unique perspective, the film "Because of You" tells the touching story of Gu Wenchang, the former secretary of Dongshan County Party Committee, who founded the Party for the public and worked for the people, helping Dongshan people relieve the pain of the war and get rid of the suffering of sandstorms.

The film "Because of You" is a Fujian film with pure blood. The film was produced by Xinying (Fujian) Cultural Media Co., Ltd., Fujian Rujia Cultural Media Co., Ltd., and Fujian Southeast Network Media Co., Ltd. Almost all the co producers are from Fujian, including the Propaganda Department of Fujian Provincial Party Committee, Fujian Federation of Trade Unions, Fujian Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Fujian Forestry Bureau, the Propaganda Department of Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Propaganda Department of Xiamen Municipal Party Committee, the Propaganda Department of Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Dongshan County Party Committee, Dongshan County People's Government, etc.

The top-level design of the film comes from the Fujian team, and the consultants, producers, supervisors, planners and other personnel behind the scenes are all from Fujian. The film tells the story of Fujian, and the shooting place is all in Dongshan Island, Fujian.

The film "Because of You" is written by the famous screenwriter Ning Dai and directed by the famous director Ning Ying. The famous actor Tian Xiaojie (starring in the recent hit drama "Gate of Rebirth"), the best supporting actor Lin Baihong of the Golden Horse Award, and the photography director Shang Oudi, the American Hollywood photographer, play the leading roles. Hu Xiaoou, a famous musician, composed music for the film Chinatown Detective 3.

When the film was released, the actors and creators were happy. Due to various reasons such as work and epidemic prevention, many actors and creators could not be present. In the movie, Gu Wenchang's actor sent VCR videos to the scene and wished the movie a big box office success.

It is reported that the film "Because of You" will be released in Fujian in September this year after its premiere in Fuzhou, and then be launched nationwide.

Photographed by Lu Jinfu, reporter of Southeast China Net, at the launch ceremony

Chief video speaker Photographed by Lu Jinfu, reporter of Southeast Net

Photographed by Lu Jinfu, reporter of Southeast China Net

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